Rising Storm

Started by Gusington, July 07, 2013, 06:34:12 PM

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Arctic Blast

Finally got my Marksman Silver badge last night. 182 meter headshot with a bolt action rifle.


Is anyone still playing this regularly?  I'm late to the game (as always) but I try to get in a few games on the weekends.  I'm still very much a newbie.

Arctic Blast

I've been playing lately in little chunks of time. Still not thrilled with the game, but it's decent.

Silent Disapproval Robot

I'm up for some sessions if anyone else wants to get a little GH team together. 


Thinking of playing some of this or ARMA II.   Probably Rising Storm for multi-player since it's probably easier to get into.

Anyone currently at it?  Or do we keep playing internet-phone-tag?


I suck at this game.  My ability has even dropped since playing RO2 earlier this year.  I'm in steady shooter decline.  :(

Silent Disapproval Robot

Find a sparsely populated server with bots enabled.  It'll let you learn the maps and get some easy kills.


My biggest issue is friend/foe recognition on all the Realism servers.  It wasn't bad in RO2.. I could tell between German and Soviet troops fairly well.  But in Rising Storm, the uniforms just don't stand apart that much and all the extra vegetation (and post-processing effects) just kinda blur them together.   Likewise, I've been team killed almost as much as by enemy fire.  Obviously I'm not the only one.

I just need to go in knowing that I'll be the underdog until I get settled in.  Murderized.   At least I'm still getting a few kills.