Ghost Recon Impressions!

Started by Jarhead0331, May 22, 2012, 06:16:29 AM

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Did you guys see the GR game that is being developed for Facebook.

John Romero is invloved so I'm keeping my expectations low..... ;)


Quote from: undercovergeek on May 25, 2012, 05:50:52 AM
can you let us know how MP goes too - this is looking like the next game for the PS3 shoot em up nights we have

I played a round of MP last night in what's called Conflict mode.  During Conflict your team is charged with capturing areas or securing objects before the other team does.  I really enjoyed the experience being far superior to COD or even BF3.  You must plan your moves out carefully, this is not a run and gun game.  There is a lot of information available to you via the minimap, onscreen icons, and the sights and sounds of battle.  I really liked the minimap compared to other shooters.  I found it is much easier to orient yourself and decide where to go than you can in other games.

Just like in the campaign you can hop from cover to cover, employ cameras and other monitoring devices, and if you're a scout you can turn invisible.  Being invisible means that no one can see you visually unless you move or fire.  No one, however, can hide from thermal imaging and some of my opponents found me that way. 

There are three classes you can play all fully customizable depending on what you have unlocked and what your level is.  Scout, Engineer, and Rifleman are the classes.  Only scouts can use digital camo to hide. 

My tactic was to provide overwatch for my team mates or scout the flanks of our positions and snipe from a distance.  If you can find a good group of friends with headsets/mics you can have a really good time with this game.  The action is not fast paced but when a firefight does erupt the action is not so fast that you don't have time to think.  I did better in this game than any other in MP.

Then I went back to playing the campaign.  The story is engaging and the action is fun.  There is an equal balance of sneaking around and straight up firefighting to be had.  All in all a great buy, I highly recommend this game.  It's truly a thinking man's shooter.
"You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend."

Romulan Commander to Kirk


Played another round of MP last night.  It did not go as well as my first round the other day.  You need to pay attention to your surroundings much more so than in the typical shooter.  Reason being, with everyone planning and plotting their moves carefully, once someone sneaks up on you it's all over. 

You do however, have a chance if facing an opponent head on.  Then the duel boils down to who can get the shot off first or who is using cover effectively.  I really like how MP is shaping up in this game.  The players seem to be serious and there have been no incidents of spawn killings and noob bashings.  MP in Ghost Recon FS is very civil.  Did I say I like it?

After my online round I played the next chapter in the single player game.  I'll echo what Jarhead said earlier about taking out the tangos using stealth and not running in with all guns blazing because you will get your ticket punched quickly.  There are definitely times when an old fashioned firefight has to be had, but usually you want to sneak in like a Ghost, get the objective, then get out.
"You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend."

Romulan Commander to Kirk


Quote from: W8taminute on May 31, 2012, 08:37:13 AM
I'll echo what Jarhead said earlier about taking out the tangos using stealth and not running in with all guns blazing because you will get your ticket punched quickly.  There are definitely times when an old fashioned firefight has to be had, but usually you want to sneak in like a Ghost, get the objective, then get out.

This gets much more strategic in the later missions.  Early on, it was pretty easy to select four enemies and eliminate them all with a synchronized kill to clear zones and advance.  In the later missions, there will be so many enemies that they cannot all be cleared without a good amount of thought.  Always take out snipers and enemies located at elevated positions first.  Then silently take down stragglers, then start working your way from the outside towards the inside until all enemies are silently eliminated.  Sometimes I've had to go through three or four rounds of synchronized kills before a zone is actually cleared.  Its undeniably a fabulous game that is what I have been playing, by far, the most.
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


*Spoiler alert*

Yes that synchro shot had me a little puzzled during the part just before shooting the engine out of the plane.  I had 5 targets, with a possible 6th lurking in the warehouse and messed up bigtime.  I figured if I told my mates to target the 4 and gave the order to fire, I could pop the 5th guy on my own.  That was totally the wrong approach.  Not only did we never make it to the plane, but the whole base came after us.

Next attempt I decided to head over to the right side of the camp and sneak up to the runway.  There were two towers overlooking the plane along with a rifleman on the ground next to the plane.  I decided to synchro target the man on the ground plus the towers and shoot the engine myself.  I stopped the plane but at the cost of my life. 

I eventually got past this part by sneaking into the warehouse and stealth killing the lone rifleman there, then sneaking to the runway and taking out the engine.  Of course it was a bar room brawl after that to get out of there but with the new cover hop system I was able to succeed.  Sloppy, yes, but I succeeded.

I will try your advice on the next mission.  I've got to beat my Ghost score of 69% that I got after mission 2.  Your way seems to be the way to do it.

And yes, this is undeniably a fabulous game.  :)
"You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend."

Romulan Commander to Kirk


^See, that's the beauty of this game, other than the kicka$$ toys and gadgets, great graphics, high production values and engrossing story.  There are so many ways to accomplish a mission.  You don't really have to approach the mission from one path or direction and you can go for an all stealth approach that avoids combat where possible, or seek out engagements on your own terms.

The airplane mission you're talking about is a little peculiar in terms of all the other missions up to that point.  Once you reach a certain point, the engines on the plane start spooling and you're under the gun to get it before it lifts off.  i had to try the mission a few times too before I was able to destroy the plane in time.  Ultimately, I silently took down one guard in the center hangar, bypassed one on the far right, synchronized killed three enemies near the runway while I took down a guard in the runway tower and then started hosing the plane with as much lead as I could.  I actually got taken down, but as the plane crashed to the ground, one of my team revived me and I was able to proceed after the wreckage.

Again, great friggin' game all around.
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


Bought yesterday..... Sat on table now waititng to be unwrapped for weekend gaming..... Can't wait


ok i crumbled and opened it early - apart from the Ubisoft servers been down for 2 hours and not being able to set up the online account, all is well.

Snort if you will, my colleagues and I, them more than me TBH are from the BF3, MW3 area of FPS - am i getting something wrong in multiplayer? i emptied a magazine from an mp7 into an enemy at point blank range and ran out of ammo in the clip before he died, reloading cost me my life! all 20 rounds hit him in the torso - is there some fancy armour out there or is the damage engine just entirely different to previous shooters = not a complaint BTW just a question - im sure ill get accustommed to it


^Wow that doesn't sound right.  Are you sure all your shots hit?  I've had this happen to me lots of times in various games but that's because I'm not good at close range battles.  Medium to long distance yes, but not close range.  Something to do with getting the reticule over the target when it's really close and moving around wildly.

Try again but hang back and take pot shots from a distance and see what happens.  There is no armor that I know of in GR: FS that stops bullets.  Maybe the guy was a hack?  Or was he behind cover and you were shooting at his heat signature?
"You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend."

Romulan Commander to Kirk


no he was running straight toward me - me in cover him not - ive read on an 'issue' forum that the non ghost forces are significantly weaker than the ghosts and thats the team i was on - ill do some more investigating


Finished the Nigeria mission last night and extracted the VIP.  This was a challenging mission and very fun indeed.  I Ghost scored 62.  Things got sloppy when I botched the stealth kill of the guy in the tower who was overlooking the other soldiers playing soccer.  I was spotted after I took out the tower guy.  From the tower though, I was able to take out the soccer playing soldiers while the rest of my team took out the rest of the camps troops.

After we rescued the VIP and saw him off we had to go into town and retrieve some data he hid there.  This is where I learned how to use the UAV to spot targets for synchro killing.  If you notice a group that is off to the side and they are in the LOS of your team you can synchro kill them without getting detected.  However, what I failed to take into consideration was that a lone gunman on a set patrol pattern stumbled upon the dead bodies and all hell broke loose.  What a game!

Is there anyway you can replay completed missions or do you have to wait until you finish the campaign first?
"You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend."

Romulan Commander to Kirk


All this emphasis on stealth makes the game sound more like Splinter Cell as opposed to Ghost Recon.


Quote from: jomni on June 06, 2012, 04:46:54 AM
All this emphasis on stealth makes the game sound more like Splinter Cell as opposed to Ghost Recon.

i think the game sits somewhere between the two - you will be crucified trying to run down the flanks or centre of the map heading straight for the objective MW3 style (at least in MP, i dont do SP) - and thats as it should be - its simulation-esque, its not CMBN, its not taking itself very seriously but its trying to do realism the best it can which is more than can be said of COD/BF. Ive had my time in COD and BF dont get me wrong, and still do, and will do in the future, but if you switch on and want that kind of frenetic action then put the COD dvd in, if you want carefully chosen lines of advance, covering your team mate as you leapfrog to the objective in bounding moves, and genuine feelings of 'working for a kill' if thats sounds right - then put the GR dvd in


"You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend."

Romulan Commander to Kirk


Yeah but the original Ghost Recon I loved before moving to Advanced Warfighter is a long range, slow-paced, tactical shooter (like a primitive ARMA).  I miss that.