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World of Warships

Started by Kushan, June 06, 2015, 11:09:53 PM

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No Kamikaze R for me. :(
Did anyone at Grogheads score one?
"Just because something is beyond your comprehension doesn't mean it is scientific."

Dean Edell


Just had a great match in my Pensacola cruiser.

Kraken, Confederate, First Blood...   much shootin.   ^-^

Replay file & end pics at link


We finally got to hook up with Shelldrake today!  O0


Quote from: Tuna on February 14, 2016, 04:34:17 PM
We finally got to hook up with Shelldrake today!  O0

Was a good luck charm for me.  My game improved a bit.  :)


I had great fun with Nef and Tuna yesterday, even if I was a bullet magnet.  :P
"Just because something is beyond your comprehension doesn't mean it is scientific."

Dean Edell


An amusing video.  I gotta start playing this.


Watched the beginning.. didn't seem to 'know' what he was doing.. complaining about Aircraft that were on the other side of the map!.. Also didn't seem to change his Torpedo spread, with just two torps per tube, and narrow spread would've been more practical.

Minekaze is a lot of fun, it's detection range is like 6 km, and it's torps go 7. So basically if you sail right, you can stay invisible for most of the match if you play it smart.  O0


Quote from: Tuna on February 16, 2016, 07:29:56 PM
Watched the beginning.. didn't seem to 'know' what he was doing.. complaining about Aircraft that were on the other side of the map!.. Also didn't seem to change his Torpedo spread, with just two torps per tube, and narrow spread would've been more practical.

Minekaze is a lot of fun, it's detection range is like 6 km, and it's torps go 7. So basically if you sail right, you can stay invisible for most of the match if you play it smart.  O0

That's the fun part because the "noob" ended with two carrier kills and a winning the battle as the lone surviving ship on his side


Quote from: Tuna on February 16, 2016, 07:29:56 PM
Watched the beginning.. didn't seem to 'know' what he was doing.. complaining about Aircraft that were on the other side of the map!.. Also didn't seem to change his Torpedo spread, with just two torps per tube, and narrow spread would've been more practical.

Quote from: jomni on February 16, 2016, 07:36:34 PM
That's the fun part because the "noob" ended with two carrier kills and a winning the battle as the lone surviving ship on his side

Jingles isn't very experienced at WoWS either.  AFAICT.   I think he still plays WoT most of the time (eww!) and just records some replays people send him for WoWS.    He shows the occasional good replay but I'm not sure if he's experienced enough to pick up on some of the subtleties when narrating.  Nothing against the man, he just seems to spend much of his time in WoT and it shows.

I'd recommend watching the YouTuber 'Notser' for anyone who wants to learn from a good experienced player's narrative & tips.

Quote from: jomni on February 16, 2016, 09:49:57 AM
I gotta start playing this.

Why haven't you?   >:D


Got sucked into Armored Warfare.
How are the tiers in WoWS?
I really don't like the fact that Low tier vehicles cannot take on high tier ones in most of these games. But I see torpedoes are an equalizing factor. Are they or are they not?


Quote from: jomni on February 17, 2016, 12:24:31 AM
Got sucked into Armored Warfare.
How are the tiers in WoWS?
I really don't like the fact that Low tier vehicles cannot take on high tier ones in most of these games. But I see torpedoes are an equalizing factor. Are they or are they not?

The difference between tiers is less punishing in WoWS than other such match-based games.  Probably the most lenient of them all, actually.

There is still some RNG involved, as with other stuff.  But the variability is only really noticeable with Battleship main guns firing at long range (giving the shells a wide spread pattern) and the very rare magazine detonation.  Citadel "crits" can have stretches, too, but I learned not to expect those after recent armor changes made ships more resilient.  Player ability & some teamwork is still a key factor in how well you do.

WoWS is slower-paced than Armored Warfare and most others.  It takes longer to kill someone, too.  Not quite as "twitchy".  But you still need to pay attention to what's happening around you & on the mini-map and try to plan ahead using that info.  Being warships, you can't exactly move back & forth across the map very quickly, nor get out of a bad mismatch in your immediate vicinity with much haste.  Definitely pays to know what's going on everywhere and try to foresee the trends, but you usually have more time to do so than other similar games.  O0



I'm getting floating parts around my ship.  It's quite annoying.


Quote from: jomni on February 17, 2016, 09:14:30 AM
I'm getting floating parts around my ship.  It's quite annoying.


Floating parts?  I'm not sure what that is.

Make sure you zoom all the way out when the match starts.  Sometimes it leaves you zoomed in, maybe that's what is going on.

Use the <SHIFT> key to toggle your gunsight view. 

If you're still getting some oddities, then maybe use the Repair option on the downloader window?  Or it's a video driver thing..?


They wiped the experience, which is awesome! You can re-choose for what you really need.. Just take it slow, because I think there's some 'new' perks, you might want to consider. Know I made a mistake on my Mahan.