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The Witcher 3

Started by Tpek, February 06, 2013, 01:30:32 PM

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Quote from: Con on August 28, 2015, 09:34:05 PM
Its pretty much the only thing I have been playing for the last month.

The story is and quests are incredible.  I just had to help Hatori (of Kill Bill fame) move from making dumplings back to making swords so that I could get my hands on some sweet new steel


There's another quest that's a reference to Kill Bill.
It's the one where you help your fellow Witcher (forgot his name),
And chase after a gang (that has since broken up), killing them one by one in order to locate the guy who wronged him (called something similar to Carradine, the actor who played Bill).
And finally reaching that "Bill" guy, only to find he's retired and living with an adopted daughter :P


Is the combat the same as Witcher 2?

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We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



Quote from: Gusington on August 30, 2015, 07:06:33 PM
Is the combat the same as Witcher 2?

Don't get side tracked.  You are supposed to be playing Pillars of Eternity.


слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



- important note -

freeze solution

For those players who had freezes and intensified freezes coming with patch 1.08 (in my case caused by using a dual core CPU,  i had to put Witcher3 beside because after "thread-optimisations" in 1.08. the game run 30sec then stopped for 2-3 then continued, then stoped  ...unplayable! and it was fine in 1.07)

check this thread for info:

i got the free little tool called "BES", ( )
limited the Witcher3 process after the games is started by -3% (the default is -33% so go into 'Control'-menu when the thread got limited and adjust the slider there to your convenience)

I just tested it (15 min no freezes so far) and i can play again  ...finally :D   


слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



Practicing my thread necromancy skills. I see a Witcher 3 Complete Edition is due out on August 30 with all flc and dlc for 50.00...I plan on getting this and hell bent on learning the combat this time, even if it kills me. The reviews are just to glowing to resist this forever. One year of resisting is a good stretch though :)

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



Quote from: Gusington on August 12, 2016, 02:08:08 PM
I see a Witcher 3 Complete Edition is due out on August 30 with all flc and dlc for 50.00...

What I've been waiting for! Sweet!
"45 minutes of pooping Tribbles being juggled by a drunken Horta would be better than Season 1 of TNG." - SirAndrewD

"you don't look at the mantelpiece when you're poking the fire" - Bawb

"Can't 'un' until you 'pre', son." - Gus


Quote from: Gusington on September 02, 2015, 08:34:30 PM
How's the combat?
Sorry, I missed this way back.

I have no problems with the combat. It can get a bit manic with the various spells and various other things you can do - but overall I enjoyed the combat. I have no experience of the previous ones.

I haven't finished it and like most games I have not gone back to it for some time, but it's still on my SSD!

Overall I thought it was a very polished game with a very good story and lots of excellent aspects, including combat. AND it seems huge! I have 52 hours in it and I've barely made a dent in what appears to be a vast world. I've also not explored everything I could explore.
Alba gu' brath


Quote from: JudgeDredd on August 12, 2016, 02:30:26 PM
I have 52 hours in it and I've barely made a dent in what appears to be a vast world. I've also not explored everything I could explore.

This is how it's been with me and Dragon Age: Inquistion. I have just over 50 hours into it and I'm not sure I am the 25% mark. Just when I think I'm done with a region, I discover some new part.
"45 minutes of pooping Tribbles being juggled by a drunken Horta would be better than Season 1 of TNG." - SirAndrewD

"you don't look at the mantelpiece when you're poking the fire" - Bawb

"Can't 'un' until you 'pre', son." - Gus


I'm pretty aligned with dread. The quests, The lore and the character you play are Top Notch. Far more than Most Bioware worlds--and i'm a Mass Effect fan- But the World of the Witcher is far more adult aimed whereas I think most Bioware aims are to a younger crowd. I never liked the combat in The Witcher-whereas the World is very computer based and realistic the combat reaks console action. So much so it's akin to playing Mortal kombat. the first game was frustrating getting the swing timer--I thought the 2nd was downhill even more--wheras here I can manage it and put up with it. That's a significant improvement for me because the combat alone is why I quite playing the First two games. Here, the one thing you need to learn is the roll key and your be fine. Mapping it to a mouse key--and a few tries and your get it down. It can be fun i suppose but unlike the rest of the presentation it's miles away from realistic.

There's other gamey aspects that have appeared-mostly in navigation and open world management--and the in game dice game again is changed. i really liked it in the 1st game- and I think it should have stayed consistant as part of the World lore.

I never finished it but do intend to revisit it. My reason was moreso waiting for the final expansions and not having to replay the whole game again. I'm really antisipating CDProjects Cyber Game- at least with guns/lasers the worst they can do is a FPS slant- but it's bound to be better than a Bethseda fallout.


Thanks guys. I didn't have a problem with the combat in the first one but for the life of me I couldn't grasp it in the second one. But for this one...because it's open world...I will smash my head against the screen until I get it.

Like mirth this complete edition is exactly what I have been waiting for. And like Ghost I am looking forward to CDs cybergame.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



DA:I was a GREAT game.

To those that have played both would you say one was better than the other?

I've had my eyeballs on Witcher 3 since release


In my opinion The Witcher 3 is better than Dragon Age Inquistion. But they are very different games.  Combat  is better compared to oblivion or something. I like DA combat far more. I think overall First person combat in any fantasy/RPG is really hard to do and get right- but I'll take the combat in Oblivion over Witcher combat-as clunky as it is, at least the controls are logical, like swing, thrust defend with shield--the witcher is more ---combine key press to unreastically zoom past enemy as a speeds only seen in the Matrix, flip 3 times like Bruce Lee, and swing at subzonic speed to depacitate said opponent. In oblivion, the creature hits your shield--and the game lets you feel it, you are connected to the enemy. In the Witcher because of the rediculous arcady moves your just not. The move fires you when. you never really feel 'in the world' as you would with Oblivion combat.

Outside of combat Dragon age----any of the 3 games--don't hold a candle to the Witcher 3. The quality of the writing is just stellar--these are not fed ex quests ala bethseda and much of DA:I-- in other areas--both games do inventory and game management much better-there is no war room in The witcher and the inventory is pretty much as bad as the first two games. Crafting is introduced here and has it's issues as well. Some things create on the fly and you must create others yourself--but mainly once you create it once it auto creates---depending on what it is. If that sounds is.

But those things can be overcome---to experience the World--which quite frankly--blows DA, Oblivion and most others out of the competition. This is the 180 degrees opposite of a Bethseda open world game. The quests are fine tuned and are never repetative and always have great story. Even side quests.

Note the game's tutorial seems to restrict the open world aspect-but be assured it does open up as advertised.


I really like DA:I but it does not feel open to me at all. But I am ok with that.

The only thing that has kept me away from The Witcher 3 all this time is the horrible experience I had with The Witcher 2's combat.

But now I can't wait until 8/30...:)

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.
