Champions of Krynn - The Next Groggy Adventure Thing

Started by BanzaiCat, October 23, 2016, 05:35:54 PM

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In your defense, BC, most people in Krynn don't even know there is a third moon, since it only reflects ultraviolet or whatever. I can easily imagine your group being ignorant of that.

Narrative verisimilitudity!  >:D
ICEBREAKER THESIS CHRONOLOGY! -- Victor Suvorov's Stalin Grand Strategy theory, in lots and lots of chronological order...
Dawn of Armageddon -- narrative AAR for Dawn of War: Soulstorm: Ultimate Apocalypse
Survive Harder! -- Two season narrative AAR, an Amazon Blood Bowl career.
PanzOrc Corpz Generals -- Fantasy Wars narrative AAR, half a combined campaign.
Khazâd du-bekâr! -- narrative dwarf AAR for LotR BfME2 RotWK campaign.
RobO Q Campaign Generator -- archived classic CMBB/CMAK tool!

Sir Slash

I have that same wallpaper pattern in my bathroom. 'Early Dank Dungeon'.
"Take a look at that". Sgt. Wilkerson-- CMBN. His last words after spotting a German tank on the other side of a hedgerow.


I appreciate that everyone is still reading this/checking it out.

I'm headed out of town again for a while, but am hoping my save files might transfer over to my work laptop so I can continue. I already have three additional 'chapters' written out (it's amazing how much faster I can churn these out by doing the writing as I take screenshots, surprisingly).

Quote from: JasonPratt on June 11, 2017, 11:42:35 AM
In your defense, BC, most people in Krynn don't even know there is a third moon, since it only reflects ultraviolet or whatever. I can easily imagine your group being ignorant of that. FAR too nerdy a thing to know, even for me, JP.  :nerd:

But you're already fully aware of this, so carry on.


12. Continuing the Slaughter of Religious Zealots


After not looting anything else from the bodies (all they had were weapons and armor anyway, nothing special), I decided to start doing a loop around this area to see what other trouble we can get into.

Apparently, a lot.

Nevermind, they're just Hobgoblins. LOL

BBMIKE bravely holds the rear. It's kind of a waste of his talents to bring him into the fray with these low-level losers.

More useless 'treasure.' We're not pack mules, so I'm leaving all of this alone.

We find another room and brazenly enter like we own the place.

So, this guy looks around and THEN pleads for his life...sounds like he went through a list of options in his head and gave up when he ran out. I'm not much for letting guys like this go, so I choose 'Threaten Him.'

Boy, I am two seconds from being on you like white on rice in a glass of milk on a paper plate in a snowstorm. I'm gonna put my foot so far up your ass, the water on my knee will quench your thirst!

I-I-I-I-I-I don't even know what that means, sir! (gulp)

Journal Entry 10
"...attempt a conversion without the intervention of Tak... of spells that contains the necessary incantations and rituals for the conversion. It is said that this book will allow even relatively weakma...

...nze, silver and gold were considered the most difficult trans..."

Hmm. It seems that maybe there's powers within powers among the evil folks we're up against. The first line almost sounds like someone's trying to usurp authority.

The second line indicates some kind of book exists that has all the spells and instructions for changing these dragon eggs into useless cannon fodder.

The third shows the bad guys are having trouble with some of them. If that's Bronze at the front of the line, then they're all (I think) Good-aligned dragons, so they've got some problems in paradise, apparently.

Heading out of this room, we go towards a door just opposite and get ambushed again.

It doesn't take much to take these guys out, though it's always good to go all in with Sleep spells so the Clerics don't get Charm or Hold Person spells off.

Afterwards, I re-spell the party...

Uh...okay...(flip flip flip) (type type)

And we move on.

We almost get to the door and we're attacked again. This time there's a couple of Ghouls in the party, which freaks me out – I can't recall if these guys can drain levels or not in the game...

These are evil undead creatures whose touch alone is known to paralyze a man. They feed on corpses and attack all living things on sight. Characters hit by ghouls (elves excluded) must save or be paralyzed.

Ah, okay. They paralyze you, but they don't level-drain you.

Thank goodness!

The battle isn't too bad. This time, SIR SLASH's Turn ability actually works...on the Zombies and Skeletons, that is. The Ghouls just laugh and charge in, getting a few whacks in. Fortunately, our characters must be making their saving throws versus Paralyzation, because nobody gets frozen stiff.

That's not cool, bro. Not cool at all.

Entering the room, we find a few eager beaver Draconians and a couple of Clerics.

I'll try to Parlay and see what happens...

Welp, guess the Dracos are eager to die!

And as they fall under our Sleep spells (which is unusual since these guys have magic resistance), we cleave our way through a new sparkly set of suitcase covers.

Journal Entry 50


I have good news. I have managed to attain the volume that we have been searching for all of these years. The power to create more of our kind is now in my hands. Send me all of your eggs along with any mages and clerics that you may have with you. I'll be at the Citadel of Gargath very soon. Have the eggs packed and taken to me within the week.

By order of Myrtani.

So, whomever this Myrtani jerk is, he has that aforementioned book. And it's looking more and more like our merry band is the only group that can stop him.

I mean, I guess if we weren't, then the game would get pretty boring.


Can we make dragon omelets?  Death Claw Omelets from Fallout give you awesome powers!

Sir Slash

How do the evil clerics cast spells while holding shields and flails exactly? That is evil. The Champs of Grog are turning into an unstoppable force of moderate looting. I approve.  O0
"Take a look at that". Sgt. Wilkerson-- CMBN. His last words after spotting a German tank on the other side of a hedgerow.


Its certainly gripping stuff. I'd be very surprised if the BBC don't make this into an 'Epic Series for the Seriously Disturbed'.
'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers'

'Clip those corners'

Recombobulate the discombobulators!


Quote from: airboy on June 12, 2017, 07:50:15 PM
Can we make dragon omelets?  Death Claw Omelets from Fallout give you awesome powers!

This game required 512K of RAM (on the PC, anyway) and 640K of hard drive space (or two floppies if you weren't lucky, or rich, enough to own one at the time - I always went the two floppies route back in the day).

I know you jest airboy, but I can't begin to imagine how packed the memory locations were for this game back then. One added pixel probably would have blown the whole thing up.

Quote from: Sir Slash on June 12, 2017, 09:58:06 PM
How do the evil clerics cast spells while holding shields and flails exactly? That is evil.

Those are not flails...they're chain microphones, inspired by mirth from another universe.

Quote from: bob48 on June 13, 2017, 08:07:27 AM
Its certainly gripping stuff. I'd be very surprised if the BBC don't make this into an 'Epic Series for the Seriously Disturbed'.

I don't think any of this is disturbing enough for the BBC, but thanks for the kind thoughts!  :bd:


13. Metal Monster Murderizin'


Soon, we come across a door that leads to some inner sanctum - I'm guessing, anyway, as it looks like this inner area goes around in a big circle with this room at its center. Since this is a temple, there's no doubt there's something quite disgusting, slimy, evil, and twisted going on in here - something far worse than what takes place in the NBC News programming offices.

I decide to have SIR SLASH cast his one and only Bless spell, to help slightly with all of our THAC0s and I think saving throws as well. Hey, +1 is +1, ya know?


There's an inner sanctum to the inner sanctum, apparently.

Before we can even get to the damned door, though...

Another Random EncounterTM for our amusement!

Five Skeletons and four Hobbos jump us from out of the shadows. It doesn't take much to beat them Skeleton falls to our weapons, while the other four are Turned when SIR SLASH holds his holy symbol aloft in one hand, with the other held equally high and portraying the holy hand symbol of his order...

and invokes the chant of his religion...

No more living trapped inside / In her way I'll surely die / In-the-eye-of-the-tor-na-do, blow me awayyyyyyyy

The words invoked, and a cloudy, lightning-filled maelstrom forms above our heads, and through it, parting nature's fury with his eternal power, appears SIR SLASH's metal gawd, fingers dancing across his holy instrument to bring forth his unrelenting fury upon the Undead...

The Skeletons evaporate like light and airy hits of the seventies, while the Hobbos die in a more conventional way. But not before they hit METALDOG twice (of course!) for about 10 HP worth of damage.


No biggie, we just encamp and SIR SLASH casts Cure Light Wounds on him. Strangely, this heals all 10HP.

Who am I to question SIR SLASH's metal gawd?

All hail the Mustaine, slayer of unholy life!

Hmm...perhaps the best slayer of unholy life is...unholy life?

How rude, the door is locked!

What do we do to locked doors?

I knew you'd say that.

But of course we are.

Baaz aren't too big a deal, but I'm worried they might just be a distraction, or a means of plinking a few HPs and spells from us before the 'real' encounter begins.

In any case, there are six of the boogers here. They fall quickly, but get their licks in, and METALDOG on top of that 'loses' his weapon in one of them when they turn to stone. I can't forget to re-equip it.

He still manages to kill another Baaz with his bare hands, though...not bad!

That lackadaisical attitude is just what we need to re-prep for a big battle, I think!

It gives us a chance to encamp (yes, right there in the inner sanctum), cast a few Cure Light Wounds, re-memorize spells, and re-cast Bless again (just in case).

Okay, let's see if we're ready for this one...

Unholy ritual being conducted...check...

Said ritual is done incorrectly or by incompetent oafs...check...

Oh, and it clears out some of the bad guys...double check...

We are blamed for something we didn't do (err...I think)...check...

A battle begins...yup!

This one's a little hairy. There's no less than three Mages and three Clerics, all of whom can make our day very unpleasant.

BBMIKE gets initiative, so that means it's Sleep time, kids!

Unfortunately it only puts one Cleric and one Mage to sleep. Of course.

METALDOG's Sleep spell does the same thing...only puts half of the spellcasters to sleep that I aimed at. Since they're so spread out, that's bad news.

And of course, one of the un-Sleep'd Mages casts a damn Magic Missile, hitting SIR SLASH, juuuust before his he can't cast spells this round.

Damn game.

I bring SIR SLASH around to the flank, where he brings his mace down into the head of the Mage there, one that's not sleeping. He does 9HP of damage, bringing the spell-flinger down quickly.

One of the evil Clerics then casts Hold Person, and gets both SIR SLASH and METALDOG. So they're both out, and likely will be felled by the Baaz on that side of the line, too.

I'm going to have to risk BC's neck by moving him into that gap; he's going to be open to a backstab attack by one of the Baaz, but it can't be helped. I need to take out those spellcasters!

The good news is he gets through without a scratch. The bad news is, of course, he misses.

And even better, BBMIKE casts a Sleep spell that catches BC. I had to risk it, of the Clerics was in the middle of casting a spell and I needed to try to put him out of commission before he could get it off.

He's down for the count now, so it's up to the others.

BBMIKE, out of spells, bandages BC, while AIRBOY winds his Hoopak up and takes out one of the sleeping bad guys. Next a Cleric takes a swing at MIRTH, and then initiative goes right back to AIRBOY (must be a new round!). AIRBOY then takes out the other sleeping Mage.

We're down to three Baaz (two of whom are asleep, which is fortunate as so too are METALDOG and SIR SLASH) and one Cleric. I have BBMIKE equip Darts, which I don't like to do because you cannot end combat until they're un-equipped. Still, he needs to do something other than just stand there and look pretty, so he hurls one of them at the Cleric, and of course misses.

Next, the evil Cleric begins casting a spell, and next initiative goes to MIRTH. Here's his chance to heroically interrupt the spellcaster...and he misses.

Of course.

It doesn't matter much, because the Cleric casts Cure Disease, which doesn't affect MIRTH (must have made a saving throw vs. useless spells, I guess).

Finally, MIRTH connects (after two misses) with the Cleric and kills him. BBMIKE equips a dagger and heads in to cut down the sleeping Baaz (heroically of course). This causes the final Baaz to flee in panic, and of course both AIRBOY and MIRTH miss with their free attacks as it runs away into a corner. Now we have to chase after him and kill him from a distance, dammit.

Fortunately it only takes two rounds to bring that last cowering Baaz down.

We get a pretty decent treasure reward.

Plus, some kind of experience point bonus to boot.

It looks like we've addressed the problems here, and the Temple is free of evil influences.

But there's still the northwest part of this inner area to explore, just to be sure we didn't miss anything. Plus those Baaz that ran in and then ran out...could they possibly be running to warn someone of our presence?

I need to think seriously about returning to civilization to level these guys up. For example, MIRTH has just over 12,000 experience points, but he's only a level 2 Ranger. According to the advancement tables for this game, he needs 10,001 XP to be a 4th level Ranger.

Yeah...I think we'll have to chance a return before coming back to drill deeper into this mess.


"45 minutes of pooping Tribbles being juggled by a drunken Horta would be better than Season 1 of TNG." - SirAndrewD

"you don't look at the mantelpiece when you're poking the fire" - Bawb

"Can't 'un' until you 'pre', son." - Gus


Quote from: mirth on June 16, 2017, 03:11:29 PM
I needs to level up!!!

"Congratulations! The party gains experience!"

{select Yes / No}

{Mirth selects Yes}

(This game engine was so dang quirky sometimes...  ::) )

ICEBREAKER THESIS CHRONOLOGY! -- Victor Suvorov's Stalin Grand Strategy theory, in lots and lots of chronological order...
Dawn of Armageddon -- narrative AAR for Dawn of War: Soulstorm: Ultimate Apocalypse
Survive Harder! -- Two season narrative AAR, an Amazon Blood Bowl career.
PanzOrc Corpz Generals -- Fantasy Wars narrative AAR, half a combined campaign.
Khazâd du-bekâr! -- narrative dwarf AAR for LotR BfME2 RotWK campaign.
RobO Q Campaign Generator -- archived classic CMBB/CMAK tool!


Sir Slash has an awesome god and an impressive ritual!

I'm awesome against sleeping foes!

We both rock!

Sir Slash

Yes, the Pug Gods are pure power all right. Just as long as no one distracts them by rolling a ball past them or dropping a cookie on the floor.  #:-)
"Take a look at that". Sgt. Wilkerson-- CMBN. His last words after spotting a German tank on the other side of a hedgerow.


Quote from: mirth on June 16, 2017, 03:11:29 PM
I needs to level up!!!

I have one more chapter that's pre-written that I can upload. I also brought my save games along for the ride so I can continue generating content depending on my schedule. But yes...leveling up. That's actually something interesting and deserves its own chapter anyway.

Quote from: airboy on June 16, 2017, 10:24:40 PM
Sir Slash has an awesome god and an impressive ritual!

I'm awesome against sleeping foes!

We both rock!

Quote from: Sir Slash on June 16, 2017, 10:35:36 PM
Yes, the Pug Gods are pure power all right.

I guess Mustaine does kinda look like a pug...who knows if he farts like one though.

Sir Slash

Part of the great tension of this game was crossing your fingers when you cast a spell hoping it would hit it's roll and effecting who you aimed it at. Frustration when it fizzled, and elation when it worked! Not many games today create that same level of tension.
"Take a look at that". Sgt. Wilkerson-- CMBN. His last words after spotting a German tank on the other side of a hedgerow.