JTS Campaign Petersburg (PC Version) Released

Started by Compass Rose, November 10, 2017, 06:05:16 PM

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Compass Rose


After more than three long years of bloody warfare, both Union and Confederate soldiers are demoralized and worn out. Will this war ever end, was the pervasive thought. Despite this never ceasing carnage and hardship, neither side is willing to compromise or surrender. Union commander General U.S. Grant was utterly convinced that it was only a matter of time, and worse yet, Confederate General Robert E. Lee was also similarly convinced. Yet, there may yet still be hope for the South, and so the fighting continued, and the campaign for Petersburg began. For nine months, starting in June of 1864, the campaign was fought, and shots were fired daily. Some battles were small, some large, and both sides suffered unimaginable hardships. There were days that were unbearably hot, and others unbearably cold, some wet and some dry, and all were bloody and miserable. Now it's your turn to experience these challenges, simulated for you in Campaign Petersburg. From the confines of well-prepared trenches, and city blocks, to the heavily forested Virginia country side and open farm land, your troops will maneuver and attempt the destruction of your enemy. Prepare yourself and engage the enemy, your soldiers are awaiting your orders.


  -- 195 scenarios are included, and all can be played as either side, against the A/I or other human challengers. And 31 of these scenarios have been specifically designed to be played against the A/I, for a greater challenge for those players that are more experienced.
  --  Most scenarios can be played against the A/I in a single day, yet others may take several days to complete, or even weeks. Just save, and continue later at your own pace.
--   For more fun, challenge another human, and play either face to face, or PBEM (Play by email)
--    Battles include: the assaults on Petersburg in June, Ream's Station, the Crater, Globe Tavern, Peebles Farm, Burgess Mill, Hatcher's Run, Fort Stedman, White Oak Road, Dinwiddie Court House, Five Forks, and the final battles leading to and including Appomattox Court House.
--   Fight in normal conditions, or face you enemy using the added weather feature.
--    3 campaigns are included. The early Petersburg battles, the later Petersburg battles, and the Appomattox Campaign battles.

Features and Enhancements

    All NEW graphics:
  --      3D hand drawn maps, and new 3D units, with individualized regimental flags.
  --     Colorized leaders and unit files.
  --      Traditional and refreshed B/W files are also an option.
  --      New and improved 2D graphics, for both maps and units.
  --  Scenario and Campaign editor: Build new, or improve existing battles and campaigns.
--    Many "What If" battles and maps, both large and small. Including the massive Petersburg Master map.
--    Added the Extreme Fog of War optional rule.
--   Greatly expanded and redesigned the Standard game engine Toolbar.
--   A true, large (4X) 2D map view.
--    Implemented dozens of new hot keys.

Campaign Petersburg can be purchased directly from JTS here:  http://www.johntillersoftware.com/CivilWarBattles/CampaignPetersburg.html


Damn, where did this come from? Must...keep...away...from...wallet...
"My life is spent in one long effort to escape from the commonplace of existence."
-Sherlock Holmes

"You know, just once I'd like to meet an alien menace that wasn't immune to bullets."
-Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart

"There's a horror movie called Alien? That's really offensive. No wonder everyone keeps invading you!"
-The Doctor

"Before Man goes to the stars he should learn how to live on Earth."
-Clifford D. Simak


There are some further screenshots posted at Wargame Design Studio. Congrats to Rich Walker for getting this labour of love out!!!




Anyone take the plunge?  Not sure it is my favorite subject, but curious how much different than the other HPS and Tiller civil war games.  Always want to like them, but find it difficult to hold my attention long, even though Civil War is one of my favorite subjects.


Its weird for me also.  I love Ultimate Civil War General and love reading about the US Civil War.  But I have played one of these games and they just bored me to death.  It was back when HPS distributed them.


I'm tempted, always looking to break out of my WW2 gaming fetish. I also love to read about the civil war or watching short snippets on battles on youtube at this site https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUfsbWIraXIl7a6HKSJINUg

The UI looks just the same as Panzer Battles so finding my way around should be easy. Haven't found any AAR's or videos to look at yet.
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.  ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Taken ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
I don't buy all the wargames I want, I just buy more than I need.


One problem with the ACW games is that the AI is simply awful.  I've seen it make really bone-headed moves that a human player would never consider.  The AI in Overland seemed a little better, but that may have been wishful thinking.

Having said that, in many respects the ACW game engine is more attuned to its subject than the Napoleonic engine.  I really like the way the ACW games handle skirmishers, and the use of supply wagons for infantry ammunition makes more sense in the ACW games than the Napoleonic games.  The use and distribution of artillery ammunition doesn't seem optimal in either engine, but it's tolerable (I suspect it's a mechanism left over from the days when computers were less powerful than they are now and the original desingers were afraid a more realistic system would overstrain people's systems).

This is where we come to the part about the importance of the designer as opposed to the developer.  Bill Peters (who did most of the Napoleonic games) is a great designer, and his titles really shine.  I haven't played the ACW titles as much, but my impression has always been that the earlier games in this series were put together by lesser luminaries. 

One game that has always fascinated me is the one about the campaign in the Peninsula.  But what makes that situation so interesting is the uncertainty of both players confronting the strategic situation.  I've tried playing it solo as the Confederates a few times, but usually give up in disgust when the AI demonstrates that it is incapable of marching a column through a wooded area in any kind of a rational way.  And playing this campaign solo hotseat is a non-starter because I'm not schizophrenic enough to be able to bluff myself into thinking I'm really doing something else.

The Peninsula campaign is pretty big, but at least you don't have to worry about the myriads of little skirmishers that clutter up the Napoleonic games (the Tiller ACW games have them, they're just not represented by separate units).
Every generation gets the Greeks and Romans it deserves.

History is a bad joke played by the living on the dead.

Senility is no excuse for feeblemindedness.


Solo Hotseat -- my preferred mode of play.  The way I invariably played back in the old board war game days.
Campaign Series Legion https://cslegion.com
Campaign Series Lead Coder https://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tt.asp?forumid=1515
Panzer Campaigns, Panzer Battles Lead Coder https://wargameds.com


Good to see someone else on the hotseat.  Its generally how I play games that allow it.  Its also one of the first things I look for when considering a game.



Wargame Design Studio now has its own Youtube channel. It can be found here; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UConRfc0jbS6CHMAnIamPyJQ

Of interest Rich Walker has done our first six videos based off the recently released American Civil War Battles title - Campaign Petersburg.

Rich's first video is an introduction to Campaign Petersburg. Please note, these are all High Definition and can be watched from below and full screen if desired;

The second video covers the Campaign Petersburg Campaign engine and inclusions;

The third video explains the new tool bar that has been included in this first Wargame Design Studio release;

The fourth video has examples of Infantry movement;

Like the fourth video, the fifth video delves into the nuances of Cavalry and Artillery movement;

And the most recent video from Rich covers both Firing and Melee;

Youtube is a new medium for us and Rich has done a great job of building 5 minute videos that explain the functions of one of our games. We're hopeful that we can include future videos that explain various attributes of our different game series and even introduce new features to the community.

We would love to get feedback on the usefulness of videos and our outreach to you the community in general.
