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Star Citizen

Started by Jarhead0331, June 04, 2014, 10:07:29 PM

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We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



Well binding and container streaming it turns out (according to youtubers) is only implimented on the client side and not the server side. So the servers it seems still bog down after a while. Trying to keep track of the entire universe and everything in it. When they only need to track a few things for the player on the server side. I had a lot of trouble finding a good server. But once I did it was a pretty smooth affair with me getting between 60 and 30FPS. I think my lowest was 18 or so. The thing is still laggy as hell when other people are around though. This is 3.3 PTU BTW. I decided to give it a go and it does give me a lot of hope. The last thing I did was open the back ramp and walk down it. To my surprise their must have been gravity closer to the moon as I was because I slid off! Then I fell slowly to the moons surface. Waving my arms like a foo as I went. My suite had no thrusters it seems? Where the hell is the remote pilot and bishop to pilot it down to the surface for me?
"They only asked the Light Brigade to do it once"


I uninstalled SC four months ago out of frustration. Every time I went in my hangar my two ships weren't there and I always had to walk to the little dots on the floor and retrieve them. Had to do this every time I started the game. I also couldn't mount my purchased upgrade weapons either. The last straw was when I couldn't choose my Aegis Sabre over my Aegis Stalker in Vanduul Swarm. Last I checked I had $355 invested in this game and it was really pissing me off that they keep adding ships in addition to other items when they fail to fix simple problems with the core game like I just mentioned.

I'm stating all this as I'm thinking of reinstalling since 3.3 is now available. Those of you who've just installed this latest iteration can you tell me if these bugs I've posted here have been fixed? And also is the game running better now without for instance a crash when you're involved in a dogfight in the PTU?

I don't want to go thru a reinstall if everything is still the same. Thanks.


Having to load your ships in the hanger from spawn points is a feature. Not a bug. Is that really a big deal? As for your other issues, were you right running the PTU or the live build? In PTU, ships and upgrades are added over time and then usually everything you've purchased that is in game is available once the build moves from PTU to live.

You're still going to get some crashes and slow FPS is an alpha, after all.
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


Well, yes all things considered it is a big deal. And for the simple reason that it was working before the 3.2 update. We are both supporters of this game and you probably have your gripes about some things as I have mine. And after all this time to still be using the excuse that it's still in Alpha doesn't hold water anymore.  If they can keep adding ships and other features like I stated in my OP they can damn well fix these simple "features".

As the old saying goes you are certainly entitled to your own opinions but you are not entitled to your own facts. And those are the facts. Like you I'm hoping for the best from SC but I want a progression that takes all the factors into account. Some features that may not seem important to you may conversely seem important to others. Doesn't help to trivialize what other individuals think matters to them as I feel we all have spoken with our pocketbooks in varying amounts. I just want to feel I'm getting my money's worth in the long run and that my complaints are being listened to without prejudice.


I gave up on this quite some time ago.

Really, really piss poor frame rates and basically nothing to do made me leave it alone and wait for it to be more fleshed out or at least move into beta. I knew what I was doing when I bought into it. The stories about whether it would ever be finished and "project creep" were already out there. But I've just decided there's no point in me giving it any play time until there's shit to do.
Alba gu' brath


Quote from: trek on October 15, 2018, 07:18:34 AM
Well, yes all things considered it is a big deal. And for the simple reason that it was working before the 3.2 update. We are both supporters of this game and you probably have your gripes about some things as I have mine. And after all this time to still be using the excuse that it's still in Alpha doesn't hold water anymore.  If they can keep adding ships and other features like I stated in my OP they can damn well fix these simple "features".

As the old saying goes you are certainly entitled to your own opinions but you are not entitled to your own facts. And those are the facts. Like you I'm hoping for the best from SC but I want a progression that takes all the factors into account. Some features that may not seem important to you may conversely seem important to others. Doesn't help to trivialize what other individuals think matters to them as I feel we all have spoken with our pocketbooks in varying amounts. I just want to feel I'm getting my money's worth in the long run and that my complaints are being listened to without prejudice.

I noticed in your rant, you didn't answer my question. But, if you want to be angry and overly sensitive, that's ok too. Let it out.
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


Not a rant just a statement and I have nothing to let out.  And I did answer your question upfront about the "feature" which you say is not a bug. I bought the game Star Citizen not Carrot & Stick. Don't give me more carrots and then hit me with a stick if I lose some of the carrots you already gave me. Whatever you want to call it if a feature or something else Was working and now it is not I would call it a "bug."

And as far as answering questions is concerned you didn't answer these: Will I now be able to mount my purchased weapon upgrades on my two ships? Will I now be able to choose either ship to play in the PTU or Vanduul Swarm? If you think these two items are not important then I submit that we must respectively agree to disagree.


What are you coping an attitude with me for? I'm trying to help you, but your attitude is making it difficult. It sounds like you just want to make demands and complain. I asked if you were running the game in PTU or live build. Its a critical question.

If that's too much trouble for you to answer, then just use google to get the answer to your remaining questions...or don't. The SC community will live on without you. 
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


Exactly who is copping an attitude with who? I've been very low-key here in my posts. No exclamation points or anything. If you're trying to help then don't question someone's OP with "Is it such a big deal?" Obviously it's a big deal to me or I wouldn't have brought it up. And I read all the official SC emails sent to me and understand the whole PTU concept.

Amazing to me how you can get so worked up about my personal problems with the game when all I was seeking was whether I should re-install the game and inquire if the factors that annoy me are still there.

I just turned 71 years old and I'm probably the oldest gamer on this forum. I've lived and worked all over the world in my life. Age and experience has taught me that when I come up against someone like you that the problem is not me but something within yourself. Whether you're aware of it or not you can be a bit of a bully as I've noticed on this forum in the past. So, the best thing to do is just walk away.

Let's end this discussion and go on to other things OK?


^This is all very uncalled for. I'm going to chalk it up to your age and perhaps a slight case of senility and dementia.
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


Chalk it up to whatever you want fella. But I have none of the conditions you are referring to. You always need to have the last word. I seem to recall that you were once banned for awhile years ago on that other forum for just such behavior as you're exhibiting now.

I'll say it one more time, let's end this discussion.


Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



I think I may need to purge something. I know the put is unstable and does not support lower end PCs yet. Mine is kinda in between and it still runs slowly for the most part in the put. I get between 10 and 40fps. Sometimes very fast and smooth and if people are around or I am in the starting station it is generally pretty poor performance. I move and then the game stops me and then allows me to move again. I have to over correct a lot around corners and the select a ship screens are very buggy or slow. I have an old i5 3570k, 24gig of ram, gtx1080. I have an mechanical hdd in use atm. Because intel discontinued z77 chipset support for rat enhanced mode sad caching on win10 64. Thinking of moving my ssd to act as my secondary drive and put star citizen on that.

Anybody aware of a cache or settings clearance people need to do when it is like this. Or are my settings too far below spec?
"They only asked the Light Brigade to do it once"