Combat Mission status

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Quote from: Jarhead0331 on December 04, 2018, 10:40:19 PM
It looks a lot like the original CMSF. Dark and pretty clunky. My biggest issue is that in desktop resolution, and I'm not even sure what that means, I have some trouble reading text. The next best option is 1280 x 960, which just looks a little silly.

Yep, the same for me.  :(


Quote from: WargamerJoe on December 05, 2018, 04:10:39 AM
Quote from: Jarhead0331 on December 04, 2018, 10:40:19 PM
It looks a lot like the original CMSF. Dark and pretty clunky. My biggest issue is that in desktop resolution, and I'm not even sure what that means, I have some trouble reading text. The next best option is 1280 x 960, which just looks a little silly.

AFAIK "Desktop Resolution" means it will set to whatever native resolution your screen normally operates at. So if you have a 4K monitor it'll be [really high number] x [another really high number], which may be why the text is really small - they haven't quite scaled everything up properly on the UI for large res's.

My monitor is 1920 x 1080 (which is what 'desktop resolution' would mean for me specifically, and anyone with a monitor of the same size) and I'm surprised there isn't an option for that - 1280 x 960 seems very low for a game released in 2018.

Yeah. That's what it means with 1st world developers, but apparently not with this 3rd world stuff. LoL. I can assure you, this is not 4K and the problem isn't that the text is too small, it's that it's "fuzzy". Strange. Despite the strange resolution and lack of enhancement, I think the game still looks decent and I do think I notice some subtle changes, but it's certainly not a reason for someone to buy the game.

I'm enjoying it so far and despite the confusion with licensing, having one file for the entire game is definitely preferable to multiple disks and downloads. The installation isn't inherently difficult. It's  only made so due to battlefront's failure to provide clear instructions which I can only assume, at this point, is purposeful. The only company I know of that seems to get off on torturing it's customers.
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18

Michael Dorosh

Quote from: Jarhead0331 on December 05, 2018, 06:59:15 AM
I'm enjoying it so far and despite the confusion with licensing, having one file for the entire game is definitely preferable to multiple disks and downloads. The installation isn't inherently difficult. It's  only made so due to battlefront's failure to provide clear instructions which I can only assume, at this point, is purposeful. The only company I know of that seems to get off on torturing it's customers.

Software engineers are the absolute worst at writing instructions - which is why industry employs technical writers. BFC is way too small to employ technical writers, or perhaps some pride of ownership also prevents them from finding volunteers to do it.

I remember the CMMOS that Gorden Molek came up with back in the CMX1 days. It was a batch file thingy that let you swap graphics mods in and out of the game without having to fool around with the Windows program file folders, backing up bmp files, etc. It was a straight forward little application but the instructions presumed a bunch of technical knowledge on the part of the reader and made things seem more complicated than they were.

So I don't know if BFC does it deliberately, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say that their poor writing just comes honestly by them - but that isn't unusual either for software.

As for the game itself, it's funny - this is the only one that I actually participated in the building of, and it may be the first release (other than Afghanistan and Touch, which I don't consider 'mainstream BFC' products) that I haven't either preordered or bought after the fact. Mildly tempted, but focusing on Christmas right now and buying for others. I'll be watching the thread with interest. Beyond the tech nightmares, I'm curious to see how the play has changed.


^I get that, and there is probably some truth to it. However, it took me literally 30 seconds to write this:

This is how the Big Bundle upgrade works.

1. Download the CMSF2 Big Bundle Upgrade file (2GB)
2. Extract install files
3. Run installer
4. After installation, Run "Activate New Products" shortcut
5. Paste code that comes with CMSF2 Big Bundle upgrade purchase and activate
6. Run "Activate New Products" shortcut and paste code that came with CMSF1 base game. Activate.
7. Run "Activate New Products" shortcut and paste codes for CMSF1 modules. Activate.
    I did them in following order: Marines, British forces, Nato Forces
8. Run game and play. You should see the symbol for each installed module in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Why simple instructions like this could not be provided ANYWHERE by Battlefront is beyond my understanding.

I do have an advanced post-collegiate degree, but I don't think it is really necessary to compose basic simple instructions.

What BF should have done is require the customer to input his serial number for the original game and modules at the time of purchase. Then just issue a new code with the upgrade pack. This would verify that the customer owned the CMSF1 titles and therefore eligible for the upgrade, and be more convenient so that the user does not need to put in every code each time the game is installed. But again, that may be too logical for a software engineer. hehe  :))

By the way Michael...I think you should, in fact, get this. I do believe it would be worthwhile for you and the community would benefit from your feedback and insight, especially your opinion on how CMSF2 is enhanced over the original.
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18

Michael Dorosh

Quote from: Jarhead0331 on December 05, 2018, 10:11:05 AM

I do have an advanced post-collegiate degree, but I don't think it is really necessary to compose basic simple instructions.

What BF should have done is require the customer to input his serial number for the original game and modules at the time of purchase. Then just issue a new code with the upgrade pack. This would verify that the customer owned the CMSF1 titles and therefore eligible for the upgrade, and be more convenient so that the user does not need to put in every code each time the game is installed. But again, that may be too logical for a software engineer. hehe  :))

By the way Michael...I think you should, in fact, get this. I do believe it would be worthwhile for you and the community would benefit from your feedback and insight, especially your opinion on how CMSF2 is enhanced over the original.

I have a BA in Communications, I can definitely feel you. It is painful to see people communicate poorly after you've been educated on ways not to...

I appreciate the kind words. Being brutally honest, I wasn't really that engaged with the CMSF beta team when I was on it. I enjoyed creating the scenarios that I worked on and was gratified to see them published. I worked hard on it and was frustrated by some the roadblocks and friction on the beta team. But - Stryker teams in a fictional near-future wasn't something I could really sink my teeth into.  I was really just marking time because my real interest was the World War II era, and having gotten onto the beta team, figured I could ride out the CMSF stuff until we started working on Normandy. I wasn't alone in that feeling, and at least one other beta member confided to me that he was doing exactly the same thing.

So, not sure if I could really do a useful compare/contrast as I really never 'got' the nuances of that era. Aside from the subject matter being a big 'meh', I thought the game relied too much on asymmetrical victory conditions because I didn't find the Syrians competitive. When you have a Stryker that can drown an infantry position with its grenade launcher and anti-aircraft cannon, I just didn't see the attraction. Bear in mind I prefer infantry stuff anyway, it's the same in ASL - I would rather play a vanilla infantry company against another one. But CMSF had such a poorly detailed infantry model that was no fun. As I recall the very first build didn't even have hand to hand combat, coupled with the poor pathfinding and the very vague "action spots", I just didn't find it much fun.

I do understand the engine has changed in many ways and infantry is probably more engaging now. I'm looking forward to the discussions here as I'm sure others will have a much better grasp of the compare/contrast than I would be able to do. I hope some of you will be posting links to the other reviews - Tim Stone, et al, as I'm curious on their take too.


Quote from: jomni on December 05, 2018, 01:11:02 AM
Quote from: Ubercat on December 04, 2018, 08:55:46 PM
Looks like you guys are all having typical Battlefront style fun.  #:-)

You mean figuring out how things work?

Figuring out how things work can be fun sometimes, when there's a point to it. Complexity for it's own sake is a turn off for me. Matrix/Slitherine have a vastly simpler system even when you don't use their Steam keys. They don't appear to be on the verge of bankruptcy, despite all the dishonest, thieving wargamers that Battlefront is afraid of.
"If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labelled a radical 50 years ago, a liberal 25 years ago, and a racist today."

- Thomas Sowell


Quote from: Ubercat on December 05, 2018, 11:24:45 AM
Quote from: jomni on December 05, 2018, 01:11:02 AM
Quote from: Ubercat on December 04, 2018, 08:55:46 PM
Looks like you guys are all having typical Battlefront style fun.  #:-)

You mean figuring out how things work?

Figuring out how things work can be fun sometimes, when there's a point to it. Complexity for it's own sake is a turn off for me. Matrix/Slitherine have a vastly simpler system even when you don't use their Steam keys. They don't appear to be on the verge of bankruptcy, despite all the dishonest, thieving wargamers that Battlefront is afraid of.

A learning curve for playing a game is reasonable. A learning curve for installing a game is not.
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


Quote from: Ubercat on December 05, 2018, 11:24:45 AM
Quote from: jomni on December 05, 2018, 01:11:02 AM
Quote from: Ubercat on December 04, 2018, 08:55:46 PM
Looks like you guys are all having typical Battlefront style fun.  #:-)

You mean figuring out how things work?

Figuring out how things work can be fun sometimes, when there's a point to it. Complexity for it's own sake is a turn off for me. Matrix/Slitherine have a vastly simpler system even when you don't use their Steam keys. They don't appear to be on the verge of bankruptcy, despite all the dishonest, thieving wargamers that Battlefront is afraid of.

We're always to looking to improve and have done a lot in the direction over the past few years. All-in-one installer and a less sensitive DRM to name a couple off the top of my head. No system is likely to ever be perfect I'm afraid and I only chime in because of the part I made bold. All software for sale has some kind of anti-piracy system. Some better than others. Some people are just more comfortable with/used to than others. But after years and years on the Tech Support side it never ceases to amaze me the amount of theft of intellectual property there is out there. Got a funny one just yesterday. He was having trouble with his key and downloading after having been away from the game for a while. Said the site he purchased it from was no longer active. When I asked what site he gave me a name (one I had never heard of) and said that he had purchased the "bundle" below for $29!!!!!!!!!!!

QuoteSerial Numbers

BUNDLE 1 - This is my bundle

Application Name Email



Civilization V


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

And Yet It Moves 

Serial: Download

Company of Heroes: Complete 


Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy 


I deleted the email address and license keys from his email  before posting here but the Normandy key was an actual I gotta assume the others are too. $29 for all of that! Said his son had purchased it. We may not like anti-piracy software but it is a real issue. I see stuff like this on an average of once a week or so. This was an easy one to locate because it came in yesterday and was easy to find.


The debate isn't over DRM and the need for anti-piracy measures. I don't think anybody would argue with you that this is a serious problem for publishers and developers. But this really just shifts the argument away from the very poor model that Battlefront uses and continues to use in one form or another. Yes, it has undoubtedly improved, but the communication and the effort (or lack thereof) to provide instructions to the customers has not. There is no excuse for not providing basic clear instructions to the customer for the licensing, especially given the system's confusing history. No instructions in the readme. No instructions in the installation pop-up. No instructions on the email with the purchase. The instructions that are on the website (which you posted a few pages up in this thread) are nearly incoherent and just create more confusion.

This is my beef.

Fortunately, these are not the kinds of frustrations that keep most gamers like us away. We will weather these storms in order to play these kinds of games, which are few and far between.
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18


I am not a member of the anti-DRM tinfoil hat brigade.

But if I drop a hundred dollars on a shiny new toy, I expect it to be hassle free.

I loved CMBO, CMBB, and CMAK, and the experience went a long way towards shaping my thinking about how a computer wargame should and should not work.

But every time I clear enough time and mental space to take the plunge into CMBN, I start hearing mini-horror stories about different kinds of aggravation.

If it were a twenty dollar game I would be inclined to just shrug it off, buy the game, and not really care if something funky were to happen.

But once a game crosses the hundred dollar line I insist on a premium product.

In the old days I knew that if something weird happened I could always send Mad Matt an e-mail and everything would get straightened out.

But that doesn't seem to be an option these days, and everything I hear about Steve's latest pearls of wisdom reminds me too much of a small business owner who only hears what he wants to hear because he fires anyone who disagrees with him.

I have enough free sources of aggravation as it is, so why would I want to spend a hundred bucks for another one?

(I have similar conversations with myself about Kevin Zucker and Operational Studies Group, though I will admit to having taken the plunge once or twice).
Every generation gets the Greeks and Romans it deserves.

History is a bad joke played by the living on the dead.

Senility is no excuse for feeblemindedness.

chris merchant

if text is blurry disable FXAA in your video card settings.

Desktop resolution = the resolution your screen is currently set to.

Quote from: Barthheart on December 05, 2018, 06:26:01 AM
Quote from: Jarhead0331 on December 04, 2018, 10:40:19 PM
It looks a lot like the original CMSF. Dark and pretty clunky. My biggest issue is that in desktop resolution, and I'm not even sure what that means, I have some trouble reading text. The next best option is 1280 x 960, which just looks a little silly.

Yep, the same for me.  :(


Quote from: Philippe on December 05, 2018, 05:00:36 PM
I am not a member of the anti-DRM tinfoil hat brigade.

But if I drop a hundred dollars on a shiny new toy, I expect it to be hassle free.

I loved CMBO, CMBB, and CMAK, and the experience went a long way towards shaping my thinking about how a computer wargame should and should not work.

But every time I clear enough time and mental space to take the plunge into CMBN, I start hearing mini-horror stories about different kinds of aggravation.

If it were a twenty dollar game I would be inclined to just shrug it off, buy the game, and not really care if something funky were to happen.

But once a game crosses the hundred dollar line I insist on a premium product.

In the old days I knew that if something weird happened I could always send Mad Matt an e-mail and everything would get straightened out.

But that doesn't seem to be an option these days, and everything I hear about Steve's latest pearls of wisdom reminds me too much of a small business owner who only hears what he wants to hear because he fires anyone who disagrees with him.

I have enough free sources of aggravation as it is, so why would I want to spend a hundred bucks for another one?

(I have similar conversations with myself about Kevin Zucker and Operational Studies Group, though I will admit to having taken the plunge once or twice).

Hey!?!? What am? Chopped liver?

Although, seriously, I think even the most harsh critics of various aspects of BFC games would say that whenever they've needed help with something I respond quickly and get things taken care of. I take a great deal of pride on it.

I also miss Matt. We chat on the Facebooks from time to time.


Quote from: chris merchant on December 05, 2018, 05:05:22 PM
if text is blurry disable FXAA in your video card settings.

There is no FXAA setting in the options menu in SF2. If you mean I have to hunt for it in my video card settings and turn it off for this game only then forget it....  :idiot2:

chris merchant

Quoteturn it off for this game only then forget it....  :idiot2:

Just trying to help.  If you can't be bothered going into your nvidia settings to make a quick change then I doubt I'm the idiot here.

But you should definitely stop bagging CM games when it's your hardware drivers at fault.


Quote from: chris merchant on December 05, 2018, 10:03:05 PM
Quoteturn it off for this game only then forget it....  :idiot2:

Just trying to help.  If you can't be bothered going into your nvidia settings to make a quick change then I doubt I'm the idiot here.

But you should definitely stop bagging CM games when it's your hardware drivers at fault.

Chris, your advice is appreciated.

That being said, nobody accused you of being an idiot, but since we are talking about your intelligence, its not very wise to insinuate that somebody else is, simply because they do not want to change nvidia settings to get a single game to run properly.

It is certainly reasonable to feel that way, and that is Barthheart's prerogative.
Grogheads Uber Alles
Semper Grog
"No beast is more alpha than JH." Gusington, 10/23/18