Introducing TASK FORCE ADMIRAL Vol.1: American Carrier Battles

Started by The_Admiral, October 11, 2019, 12:17:06 PM

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Hello there Ladies and Gents!

We had our small monthly devblog update - don't hesitate to check  :peace:

Cheers and have a fine Friday everyone!


Really looking good Admiral. O0   Those night shots look incredible.  I, for one, am ready to contribute to your car fund. 
Government is not the solution to our problem—government is the problem.   Ronald Reagan
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.   Thomas Jefferson
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.   George Orwell  The truth is quiet...It's the lies that are loud.   Jesus Revolution
If you ever find yourself in need of a safe space then you're probably going to have to stop calling yourself a social justice warrior. You cannot be a warrior and a pansy at the same time   Mike Adams (RIP Mike)


Thank you Steve, that's kind. I might consult you on the color.  ^-^

For the others, as you might need an incentive to actually click on this, here's an appetizer of what you might find down there. Hope that will entice you to have a look  :dreamer:


слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



I live to serve, Sir Gus.  :peace:
Regarding this, is our gracious Monthly warrior lady up to your expectations?  :dreamer:

These Navy propaganda posters were quite something...


слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



Good! So let's keep that lovely feelin' going!
And hopefully going strong it will!  :coolsmiley:

Today, a little nod to Burden of Command's historical featurette - I tried my luck at the exercise too  :knuppel2:


Great footage as ever!

If I may, I'd like to offer one suggestion (albeit from someone ignorant of the difficulties of programing) to sweeten the flying scenes even more.

When the planes fly in formation they are so exactly spaced that they look tied together. How about introducing a very slight dynamic variant in their spacing and relative speeds so they look more humanly-crewed?
Vituð ér enn - eða hvat?  -Voluspa

Nothing really rocks and nothing really rolls and nothing's ever worth the cost...

"Don't you look at me that way..." -the Abyss
'When searching for a meaningful embrace, sometimes my self respect took second place' -Iggy Pop, Cry for Love

... this will go down on your permanent record... -the Violent Femmes, 'Kiss Off'-

"I'm not just anyone, I'm not just anyone-
I got my time machine, got my 'electronic dream!"
-Sonic Reducer, -Dead Boys


Aye - this is old December unused footage, we made progress since then - they are a bit more floaty when keeping formation, but don't expect them to bounce around either  ^-^
As you can see though I believe that intermediate maneuvers were fine already by then in that regard (i.e. when the TBD wingman is rejoining formation after dropping its fish)


Admiral-The BoC team is honored that our "History Sunday" feature was a source of inspiration for you in producing that outstanding video you made on the TBM Devastator.  Aside from highlighting your game, your production also underscores the skill and bravery that those torpedo squadron pilots and aircrew had. In spades.
  Luke (Burden of Command lead)
Burden of Command lead


Thanks Luke - of course you are an inspiration, and not just to me that is certain  8)

Today, a little silly experiment - watching our 2D artist work on a drawer, M1 helmets - and a coffee mug in the Flag Plot, that is the main room where the player will stand most of the time (when he/she's not player God up in the air, that is). We all know that coffee is a wargamer's best friend - well, our research indicates so far that it might have been the same thing with WW2 admirals.

Since then we've discovered that Halsey used teacups instead, so we're gonna have to swap this mug for a british-style cup at some point, but for the time being, please humor us  :coolsmiley:



A couple of things about coffee and the US Navy:
1) a Navy coffee mug weighs 15.2 oz, unloaded.  It has been used in combat as a weapon. In an encounter with the U-66 on May 5, 1944 the USS BUCKLEY (DE 51) rammed the submarine.  From Theodore Roscoe, "US Destroyer Operations in WWII", pg. 306-07:

"The collision sent BUCKLEY's bow riding high over the U-boat's deck...Scrambling out of the hatches and mounting the conning tower [the U-boat crew] let fly with a fusillade of small-arms and rifle fire...And then the destroyermen were astounded to see the submariners clambering up the DE's bow, coming hand over fist in a squalling assault to board.
   Above the tumult and shouting, the crackle of pistol fire, the din and clang, that command seemed to linger in the gunsmoke as an echo from the past...The infuriated destroyermen hurled empty shell-cases, coffee mugs, spitkits, anything and everything that could serve as missiles...."

2)  Samuel Eliot Morison famously said: "The Navy could probably win a war without coffee but it wouldn't like to try."
3) I routinely drank 18 cups of coffee a day when at sea.  And that wasn't atypical. 
"Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" -Abraham Lincoln


слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



What we need is a covid19 beta version of Task Force Admiral to while away the quarantine blues