Combat Mission new for 2024

Started by Redwolf, January 06, 2024, 03:56:30 PM

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2024 bones thread part 1:

In short:
- CMBS module scrapped
- CMFB late war module "Downfall" maybe this month, with Commonwealth
- British forces for CMCW underway
- Engine 5 update (performance changes only) underway

I also hope the engine 5 update addresses the issues with newer AMD graphics drivers. Not that I have AMD graphics, I am just sick of the complaining :D


Eagerly awaiting update 5, the performance is the only thing that has kept from playing these games.  Here is hoping they make it run better on modern hardware.


Quote from: rss334 on January 06, 2024, 10:07:43 PMEagerly awaiting update 5, the performance is the only thing that has kept from playing these games.  Here is hoping they make it run better on modern hardware.

I have a feeling that the update will be narrow in scope, but we'll see. Any improvement would be welcome.


Wonder how paid engine upgrades will work now they are on steam.  Glad this one is free.


Well, British Forces DLC for CMCW is a good thing  :ThumbsUp:

but like i wrote years before:

...even so it plays in the heart of Germany on German turf , there is (STILL) zero iconic German equipment
(faction, mabye as a QR force helping out, or in a what-if role. i didn't expect a full blown 'northern planes' campaign and aditional specific maps) in the game.
No Leopard, no Marders, Gepards , Fuchs , Wiesel , nada
it might be historical correct for that specific
(vanilla game) sector , but come on, its the Cold War in Germany

Even worse not even planed as a pipe dream DLC announcement for the far future.
while some of the needed models for that DLC would be already in the NATO DLC of Shock Force 2 ?

its like having a Normandy game without any! Americans and only Gold, Juno, Sword beach with Brits  :huh:

its like having Battle of Little BigHorn without Custor , only Reno's Attack and  Reno-Benteen defense covered    :huh:


Quote from: Skoop on January 07, 2024, 08:56:51 PMWonder how paid engine upgrades will work now they are on steam.  Glad this one is free.
Well, hopefully that business model has been put to bed at Battlefront with the Matrix/Slitherine collaboration. 

If not, then they can simply follow the current trend of calling the new version a "remaster" and can set a discount for owners of the previous version.   :evil:

Michael Dorosh

Has the flow of the actual war in Ukraine done anything to highlight deficiencies in BFC's modelling of the forces of the region? I don't follow the actual war news (can't really say I consider footage of men dying to be entertaining, my focus is more history, stuff that happened in the past). I do, however, get the occasional current events lectures in my reserve unit, and some of the topics have focused on drone warfare and electronic warfare, stuff like questioning the need for large command posts full of electronic equipment. I get the sense that kind of stuff is relevant to CM but not a game-breaker (the same way not having landing craft or flyable gliders weren't gamestoppers for their Normandy game).  Has there been any other 'surprises' brought out in the actual fighting that might contribute to BFC reassessing their ability to model a war in that region?

I understand the "official" reason for the cancellation is apparently a moral one given the relationship of the fictional CM war to the actual war in Ukraine, but slightly curious if there might be more to it than that. I mean, when is the last time a content provider pulled back on grounds of good taste?


So watching them die 20 years from now when it's history will be ok ?  You could say we're watching history in real time.  Pretty sure avdivka, bahkmut, and Kherson will be studied just as much as Kursk, Stalingrad, and Leningrad.

Why wait for battlefront, I just open the editor and make changes that reflect what we're seeing today. 

Also, steel beasts is remarkable for simulating the conflict.


Quote from: Michael Dorosh on January 08, 2024, 09:49:25 PMHas the flow of the actual war in Ukraine done anything to highlight deficiencies in BFC's modelling of the forces of the region? I don't follow the actual war news (can't really say I consider footage of men dying to be entertaining, my focus is more history, stuff that happened in the past). I do, however, get the occasional current events lectures in my reserve unit, and some of the topics have focused on drone warfare and electronic warfare, stuff like questioning the need for large command posts full of electronic equipment. I get the sense that kind of stuff is relevant to CM but not a game-breaker (the same way not having landing craft or flyable gliders weren't gamestoppers for their Normandy game).  Has there been any other 'surprises' brought out in the actual fighting that might contribute to BFC reassessing their ability to model a war in that region?

I understand the "official" reason for the cancellation is apparently a moral one given the relationship of the fictional CM war to the actual war in Ukraine, but slightly curious if there might be more to it than that. I mean, when is the last time a content provider pulled back on grounds of good taste?

This is a weirdly cynical response to the announcement.  If inaccuracy was the issue, they could easily fix that with a patch.  Why not take them at their word for the reasoning behind the cancellation?
A War of a Madman's Making - a text-based war planning and political survival RPG

It makes no difference what men think of war, said the judge.  War endures.  As well ask men what they think of stone.  War was always here.  Before man was, war waited for him.  The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner.  That is the way it was and will be.  That way and not some other way.
- Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian

If they made nothing but WWII games, I'd be perfectly content.  Hypothetical matchups from alternate history 1980s, asymmetrical US-bashes-some-3rd world guerillas, or minor wars between Upper Bumblescum and outer Kaboomistan hold no appeal for me.
- Silent Disapproval Robot

I guess it's sort of nice that the word "tactical" seems to refer to some kind of seriousness during your moments of mental clarity.
- MengJiao

Michael Dorosh

Quote from: Skoop on January 08, 2024, 10:43:54 PMSo watching them die 20 years from now when it's history will be ok ?

I'll certainly read about it in 20 years. I won't be watching contextless 20 year old Tik-Toks and cheering about the explosions.

QuoteYou could say we're watching history in real time. 

Without knowing any of the deeper tactical and strategic goings on, you're just watching war-porn as entertainment. There are still big questions about the Second World War that have never been answered, watching gun camera footage is unlikely to answer any of them. That's not history.

QuoteWhy wait for battlefront, I just open the editor and make changes that reflect what we're seeing today.

What is it you think you're seeing today that needs to be changed? I clearly stated I don't know, which is usually the precondition for asking a question.

Michael Dorosh

Quote from: al_infierno on January 08, 2024, 11:24:30 PMIf inaccuracy was the issue, they could easily fix that with a patch.

That predisposes that the "inaccuracy" was fixable by a simple patch, I'm premise of the question is that it is not.


Let's just stick to talking about the game, guys.
"If you had a chance, right now, to go back in time and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it?  I mean, I personally wouldn't stop him because I think he's awesome." - Eric Cartman

"Does a watch list mean you are being watched or is it a come on to Toonces?" - Biggs


Quote from: Michael Dorosh on January 09, 2024, 08:14:14 AM
Quote from: al_infierno on January 08, 2024, 11:24:30 PMIf inaccuracy was the issue, they could easily fix that with a patch.

That predisposes that the "inaccuracy" was fixable by a simple patch, I'm premise of the question is that it is not.

Given the scale of the CMBS maps and the tactical nature of the battle and the time a battle last, there is no "inaccuracy".
If you like to make an actual scenario,  You are just limited by having to pick from the then fictional 2017 time frame equipment and TOE and you might have to simulate Ukranians with US soldiers, so they have access to now donated equipment. 
Its about to study and solve a tactical puzzle, not to generate a screenshot correct down to  the right armpatches

Give both sides a good amount of UAV's and manpads to counter them and single shot precision ammunition (if possible for 120 mm mortars, on the map, for short response time, to simulate the tiny drones) and the electronic warfare set to a rather high setting.

The quality of single units can also be adjusted when you pick the units, so depending on the modeled scenario Russians may have lower morale green in the bulk of their units now and a few high value airborne vet units in the mix.

I think Slitherine did a good choice to avoid any happenstance shitstorm in these days of internet / social media / stupid 'jounalists'  craziness
 and unwanted attention from the  outside to our beloved hobby of  (old white boomer men's ;-) ) wargaming.  It is far from woke.


Quote from: al_infierno on January 08, 2024, 11:24:30 PM
Quote from: Michael Dorosh on January 08, 2024, 09:49:25 PMHas the flow of the actual war in Ukraine done anything to highlight deficiencies in BFC's modelling of the forces of the region? I don't follow the actual war news (can't really say I consider footage of men dying to be entertaining, my focus is more history, stuff that happened in the past). I do, however, get the occasional current events lectures in my reserve unit, and some of the topics have focused on drone warfare and electronic warfare, stuff like questioning the need for large command posts full of electronic equipment. I get the sense that kind of stuff is relevant to CM but not a game-breaker (the same way not having landing craft or flyable gliders weren't gamestoppers for their Normandy game).  Has there been any other 'surprises' brought out in the actual fighting that might contribute to BFC reassessing their ability to model a war in that region?

I understand the "official" reason for the cancellation is apparently a moral one given the relationship of the fictional CM war to the actual war in Ukraine, but slightly curious if there might be more to it than that. I mean, when is the last time a content provider pulled back on grounds of good taste?

This is a weirdly cynical response to the announcement.  If inaccuracy was the issue, they could easily fix that with a patch.  Why not take them at their word for the reasoning behind the cancellation?

It is in fact a typically cynical Dorosh response to anything BF related...he has a long history of some weird kind of axe grinding.

I have seen much comment from BF in the forums about not modelling current wars...their issue is they have a habit of predicting them actually or nearly.

I believe the reason is entirely genuine and not related to any secret issue with the game they are trying to hide.

Am completely unsurprised Dorosh positions as such though.
"you are the rule maker, the dictator, the mini- Stalin, Mao, Hitler, the emperor, generalissimo, the MAN. You may talk the talk and appear to be quite easy going to foster popularity, but to the MAN I say F*CK YOU." And Steve G is F******g rude ? Just another day on the BF forum ... one demented idiots reaction to BF disagreeing about the thickness of the armour on a Tiger II turret mantlet.


These discussions are priceless for the nostalgia. Brings me back to Golden Age of Wargamer. We were all so young then. How I miss those days so... :RockOn: 
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