6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You A Better Person

Started by MetalDog, December 20, 2012, 09:45:08 PM

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And the One Song to Rule Them All is Gimme Shelter - Rolling Stones

"If its a Balrog, I don't think you get an option to not consent......." - bob

Arctic Blast

I've actually been doing a lot of thinking along these lines lately. I keep kind of bouncing between jobs that are all generally okay...they aren't bad, but then it seems like something happens. And since the only constant in the equation is me, maybe it's time I start figuring out how and why this keeps going on? Yeah, I end up in a comfortable position where I kick ass and take names and blah de blah, but then I'm bored out of my mind because it's all the same.

Frankly, I really need to give myself a kick in the ass. I'm tired of doing the same thing ad nauseam to the same inevitable result. I'm tired of being one person in a room full of friends and then locking myself in a shell around people I don't recognize because it's unfamiliar. I'm tried of not feeling any fear at all that 'Holy crap, this could go wrong!' I think you need some of that from time to time.

I dunno, call it a resolution or what not, but it's time to punch out of the comfort zone and see what's out there.


Any ideas which direction you want to go in?  Physical?  Mental?  Emotional?  My kids are all at an age where I am trying to steer them into self analysis in order to move forward.  All three of them have or have been in sucky relationships and I have tried to give each of them the same advice.  Know what makes you happy and look for it.  State what you want and if the other person is agreeable then good.  If they blow you off or put you down, move along.  There's more fish in the sea.  The same thing can apply in all facets of your life.  It's way too short to accept shit that's unacceptable to you, so don't.
And the One Song to Rule Them All is Gimme Shelter - Rolling Stones

"If its a Balrog, I don't think you get an option to not consent......." - bob


I thought I was busy then I retired.
Now I am really busy and the best
part is I only do what I want and only
that when I feel like it. Life is more than work.
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That really is a gigantic scarf on Lenny Kravitz.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



^I was thinking about that earlier today when I was in dire need of oone.  It was cold and windy today.  A bad combination when you have to be outside all day in it.
And the One Song to Rule Them All is Gimme Shelter - Rolling Stones

"If its a Balrog, I don't think you get an option to not consent......." - bob


I read the whole article and I feel pretty aight about myself.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.


Arctic Blast

Quote from: MetalDog on December 21, 2012, 07:10:37 PM
Any ideas which direction you want to go in?  Physical?  Mental?  Emotional?  My kids are all at an age where I am trying to steer them into self analysis in order to move forward.  All three of them have or have been in sucky relationships and I have tried to give each of them the same advice.  Know what makes you happy and look for it.  State what you want and if the other person is agreeable then good.  If they blow you off or put you down, move along.  There's more fish in the sea.  The same thing can apply in all facets of your life.  It's way too short to accept shit that's unacceptable to you, so don't.

I honestly don't know. I DO know that there are a lot of little things that have been bugging me that I keep putting off. I've settled too much for comfortable instead of busting out of that comfort zone and actually taking a shot at Happy. So the first thing I need to do is figure out what's wrong. Then it's time to start fixing things.


Quote from: Arctic Blast on December 22, 2012, 01:15:22 AM
Quote from: MetalDog on December 21, 2012, 07:10:37 PM
Any ideas which direction you want to go in?  Physical?  Mental?  Emotional?  My kids are all at an age where I am trying to steer them into self analysis in order to move forward.  All three of them have or have been in sucky relationships and I have tried to give each of them the same advice.  Know what makes you happy and look for it.  State what you want and if the other person is agreeable then good.  If they blow you off or put you down, move along.  There's more fish in the sea.  The same thing can apply in all facets of your life.  It's way too short to accept shit that's unacceptable to you, so don't.

I honestly don't know. I DO know that there are a lot of little things that have been bugging me that I keep putting off. I've settled too much for comfortable instead of busting out of that comfort zone and actually taking a shot at Happy. So the first thing I need to do is figure out what's wrong. Then it's time to start fixing things.

After reading the Cracked article, I recognized things that I had to learn the hard way.  It's pretty brutal when you have to look in the mirror and realize things about yourself that suck.  But if you are honest with yourself, and this is the only way this works, you will see what needs fixed.  Conversely, that nagging voice in your head that you hear when you KNOW you're being an a-hole, THAT'S the one you start to listen to and trust.

I'm not saying that the negative applies to you.  Self examination brings to light a great many things if you are honest with yourself.  Having someone you can talk to that you trust to give you the straight truth is very helpful, too.  They can work as a sounding board and help to keep you honest by calling you on your bullspit.

Anyways, good luck in your pursuit.  It's going to be an intersesting ride.
And the One Song to Rule Them All is Gimme Shelter - Rolling Stones

"If its a Balrog, I don't think you get an option to not consent......." - bob


That is why I read cracked.
Number 1 is #1 for a reason.  People have an utterly amazing
ability to rationalize everything and anything.  For those who
have not payed attention to stuff "rationalization" is NOT a good
thing in this sense.  At one point when i was being told I was
rationalizing things I thought it was some kind of complement...D'oh!!!!
And derp!! There is lots of rationalization going on down the page
in the mudslinging area.  Likewise some people think they are "unique".
Everyone is to some extent but usually not the way they think they are.
digni enim sunt interdicunt

Arctic Blast

Quote from: MetalDog on December 22, 2012, 07:04:10 AM
Quote from: Arctic Blast on December 22, 2012, 01:15:22 AM
Quote from: MetalDog on December 21, 2012, 07:10:37 PM
Any ideas which direction you want to go in?  Physical?  Mental?  Emotional?  My kids are all at an age where I am trying to steer them into self analysis in order to move forward.  All three of them have or have been in sucky relationships and I have tried to give each of them the same advice.  Know what makes you happy and look for it.  State what you want and if the other person is agreeable then good.  If they blow you off or put you down, move along.  There's more fish in the sea.  The same thing can apply in all facets of your life.  It's way too short to accept shit that's unacceptable to you, so don't.

I honestly don't know. I DO know that there are a lot of little things that have been bugging me that I keep putting off. I've settled too much for comfortable instead of busting out of that comfort zone and actually taking a shot at Happy. So the first thing I need to do is figure out what's wrong. Then it's time to start fixing things.

After reading the Cracked article, I recognized things that I had to learn the hard way.  It's pretty brutal when you have to look in the mirror and realize things about yourself that suck.  But if you are honest with yourself, and this is the only way this works, you will see what needs fixed.  Conversely, that nagging voice in your head that you hear when you KNOW you're being an a-hole, THAT'S the one you start to listen to and trust.

I'm not saying that the negative applies to you.  Self examination brings to light a great many things if you are honest with yourself.  Having someone you can talk to that you trust to give you the straight truth is very helpful, too.  They can work as a sounding board and help to keep you honest by calling you on your bullspit.

Anyways, good luck in your pursuit.  It's going to be an intersesting ride.

Yeah, I ended up sitting up until about 5 o'clock this morning figuring a lot of stuff out. Wrote a lot of it (it always helps me to get something on paper or typed up for some reason), just kind of did this 'stream of consciousness' nonsense that rambles on like some kind of manifesto. But it totally cleared my head for the first time in awhile.

Really, everything I don't like about myself boils down to one factor...I have a bad habit of taking the easy way out. Because it's easy, right? So I take the easy road and end up with short term contentment rather than challenging myself and maybe, just maybe, getting something better out of things. Sure it might blow up in my face, but I need to stop copping out and using that as an excuse not to try.

I'll probably end up throwing this together in to some sort of blog post and throwing it up at some point after the Holidays. Oddly, I've never really had much of an issue with sharing my failings with whoever wants to read them. And that way, pretty much every friend I've got knows what I'm trying to avoid and can smack me down if I start acting like a punk again.  :)


That's pretty funny, man :-)  I'd be interested to read it.
And the One Song to Rule Them All is Gimme Shelter - Rolling Stones

"If its a Balrog, I don't think you get an option to not consent......." - bob

Arctic Blast

Quote from: MetalDog on December 22, 2012, 07:37:30 PM
That's pretty funny, man :-)  I'd be interested to read it.

Yeah, no worries. I figured I'd link to it here when it's done.


EEeek!  Somebody is gonna turn this into an AA meeting or something.
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The key to surviving this site is to not say something which ends up as someone's tag line - Steelgrave

"their citizens (all of them counted as such) glorified their mythology of 'rights'...and lost track of their duties. No nation, so constituted, can endure." Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers