Consolidated Syria Conflict Thread

Started by Mr. Bigglesworth, September 19, 2015, 04:08:26 PM

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Well this should make everyone in Europe sleep a little better knowing they have a robust vetting process ongoing right now.

I wouldn't worry though, as the chemical attacks they've done in Syria have been only marginally successful.


I think the term "ISIS army scientists" is pretty hysterical.  :2funny:


It would be if they hadn't already used nerve agents in Syria.  But I guess the key is to dismiss the potential danger of the threat because feeling safe is always better then actually being safe.


Quote from: Bison on December 07, 2015, 07:39:40 PM
It would be if they hadn't already used nerve agents in Syria.  But I guess the key is to dismiss the potential danger of the threat because feeling safe is always better then actually being safe.

Lighten up Francis.  ::)

It doesn't take a "scientist" to steal chemical weapons and then deploy them. The above article makes it sound let these dirtbags are sitting in some secret bunker inventing shit.


You know that they are not concocting their own agents and delivery methods?  They don't need a highly refined grade, but one that does enough to cause fear and terror.

An no I don't generally take a light hearted attitude about a fanatical group who already has used chemical agents threating to use them in densely populated centers in Europe. I guess I need to work on my humor.


Quote from: Bison on December 08, 2015, 08:33:45 AM
You know that they are not concocting their own agents and delivery methods?  They don't need a highly refined grade, but one that does enough to cause fear and terror.

An no I don't generally take a light hearted attitude about a fanatical group who already has used chemical agents threating to use them in densely populated centers in Europe. I guess I need to work on my humor.

its easy to take a light hearted attitude to stuff when your several thousand miles away. Lets see how light hearted he will be when the threads come to Canada.


Good grief!  How do you guys go from me making fun of a bunch dust eaters being called "scientists" to me thinking it's funny these same idiots are trying to use chemical weapons.... anywhere?

My comment was on the that fact that someone elevated these morons to the level of "scientist".

But I guess you all want to read want what you want to read into someone's statements..... ::)


No.  You are dismissing that ISIS or other like minded organizations are incapable of conducting scientific research, which in terms of money and infrastructure I'd agree.  I think it's a miscalculation to think that they do not have highly educated individuals that can conduct research and development into chemical or biological weapons.  And yes I would agree that if they have such weapons it's very likely that they acquired them through pre-existing stockpiles, but it's also highly likely that they are trying figure out how to produce low-grade weaponized chemical and biological agents. 


The key to surviving this site is to not say something which ends up as someone's tag line - Steelgrave

"their citizens (all of them counted as such) glorified their mythology of 'rights'...and lost track of their duties. No nation, so constituted, can endure." Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers



Even the Canadian media is reporting ISIS pursuing chemical weapon development.  So yeah they do have "scientists".

The Islamic State group is aggressively pursuing development of chemical weapons, setting up a branch dedicated to research and experiments with the help of scientists from Iraq, Syria and elsewhere in the region, according to Iraqi and U.S. intelligence officials.


Hey even CBS has a nice news story on ISIS scientific research of chemical weapons....


BAGHDAD -- Kurdish authorities in Iraq said Saturday they have evidence that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, used chlorine gas as a chemical weapon against peshmerga fighters, the latest alleged atrocity carried out by the extremist organization now under attack in Tikrit.

This is only one of several reports of ISIS using chemical agents in Syria.  It is a credible threat.


I never said it wasn't a creditable threat... not even once.... anywhere...  ::)


Barth I understand your humor, I do and I'm not trying to attack you personally.  Sorry if it seems that way.   I just think that ISIS has proven it has capabilities that were dismissed out of hand previously and given recent events in the world and previous use of chemical agents in Syria is a bad mix that makes these type of reports very disconcerting. 

Anyway it's all depressing and Brant's youtube link has opened a wealth of good distraction in the form of music.