Star Trek Frontiers

Started by Nefaro, December 01, 2015, 11:58:49 AM

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I am looking at building a random mission generator (website) that will randomize missions and values.

Instead of just going straight to the diplomacy phase, you will go through the Alternate Phase.  Next depending on your faction chosen, you will be presented with an random mission from an expanded list.

So for example if you are playing the Federation, you will have a higher probability of diplomacy missions, however you could also have missions involving the Holodeck etc.... 

I could do this in chart form because I know there are many who despise having to play with an added electronic device.  Below are just some quick examples, nothing finished....


I have been working to make some of the encounters not all diplomacy or fighting, but out of the ordinary or dealing with what you would find in an episode so the game plays out like a string of episodes.  As you go around the map you may choose to play a token or just try your luck with the app...

For example, below is just a simple game of Poker. 

If any of you guys want to help me test and tweak let me know...