Star Wars RPG

Started by besilarius, March 19, 2016, 07:37:17 AM

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"Most gods throw dice, but Fate plays chess, and you don't find out until too late that he's been playing with two queens all along".  Terry Pratchett.

During filming of Airplane, Leslie Nielsen used a whoopee cushion to keep the cast off-balance. Hays said that Nielsen "played that thing like a maestro"

Tallulah Bankhead: "I'll come and make love to you at five o'clock. If I'm late, start without me."

"When all other trusts fail, turn to Flashman." — Abraham Lincoln.

"I have enjoyed very warm relations with my two husbands."
"With your eyes closed?"
"That helped."  Lauren Bacall

Master Chiefs are sneaky, dastardly, and snarky miscreants who thrive on the tears of Ensigns and belly dancers.   Admiral Gerry Bogan.


I just need to breakdown and pick up the used copy of the rulebook at the FLGS.

Dammit Carl!

For what it is worth, there is something floating around out there titled as the "Star Wars Role Playing Game; Revised, Expanded and Updated," that is a fan-made rework of WEG's Revised and Expanded rules - and its a pretty damn impressive bit of stuff even if its of somewhat questionable legal status (artwork, rules, etc.) in my opinion.


Made a major score today.  Picked up the beginners box set for Force and Destiny for $18.


The key to surviving this site is to not say something which ends up as someone's tag line - Steelgrave

"their citizens (all of them counted as such) glorified their mythology of 'rights'...and lost track of their duties. No nation, so constituted, can endure." Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers


A local FLGS had it (the only copy) priced like that for some reason, but didn't ask 8 just grabbed it.  I was hoping to get the for rulebook, but those things are hard to come by right now.  I read on FFG the more are being printed and shipped along with the basic game box.  But the kids are on a Star Wars kick so this worked out well and I just bit the bullet and got the Edge of the Empire core rulebook.  Eventually we want Force and Destiny rules for more Jedi goodness.  Looks like we'll be rolling some crazy dice tonight and tomorrow.


I have EotE and F&D hardbacks, along with the EotE starter kit.  Which is more than enough.

Don't plan to pick up the Rebellion one.  Between having character options for smugglers & outlaws, and various force users, I don't see any reason to pick up the Rebellion core book.  Which, as mentioned, largely consists of rules already contained in the others.  It also focuses on the most narrow of campaign style (Mil Op), which can easily be done with the others.


The rebellion campaign and rules aren't bad.  I just think FFG would have better served the fan base with a corebook for players and gm, and then provide campaign setting books for the gm.  I just don't follow the logic that people wanted to run three distinct campaign settings.  I was able to look at some of the addition campaign product yesterday and the Rebel campaign book called strongholds of resistance.  It was a nice coverage of the core planets and the political conflict.  But again if you are playing like the movies, you want elements of all three not to be limited.  It's more an issue of how FFG design their IP, which is not a surprise to anyone whose bought their products.


The point is the if the Rebel core rulebook is only $8, I grab that without a second thought.  The game system is actually really fun.


Quote from: Bison on April 10, 2016, 08:11:44 AM
The point is the if the Rebel core rulebook is only $8, I grab that without a second thought.  The game system is actually really fun.

Well... if you found it going for $8 somewhere, then it's not a bad purchase at all.  I was talking about the regular $50 to $60 price, of course.

I do like the different mechanics involving the dice.  Instead of the normal black & white yes/no results, you can get a range of results.  It's gray, Jack, the world is gray.  :P  Needs extra interpretation but it looks to be more inspiring too.

The author's 2d20 system is an interesting derivative of same.  Minus the custom dice, but very similar, with it's "cinematic" range of results.  I was tempted to get in on the new Conan RPG Kickstarter, which uses it, but I'll probably just pre-order the Core book from CSI at the last minute.  I require a well-stocked "monster manual", or something similar, for most RPGs.  Especially fantasy ones.  Wasn't sure how the Conan one(s) would turn out, with the many supplements planned, so it's a bit Wait & See.


I've been reading the Edge of the Empire core rulebook this afternoon and I think I like the system even more now.  I will say that I'm still a little disappointed that they felt the need to make three separate "games".  Beating a dead horse I know.  The issue is the kids really want to make their own characters, but the oldest wants more of the Ace class (Age of Rebellion) and the youngest wants to use a light saber (Force and Destiny).  You can do a Ace type character in EotE, but the force user is incredibly limited with only a 1 rank in the force sensitive skill tree allowed.

As far as the dice mechanics, I really like them.  The only real downside is that you have to be on your toes all game as a GM.  D&D/Pathfinder a player succeeds or fails a skill/attack roll.  It's easy to adjudicate.  The dice rolls in SW require a lot more continuous creativity to "adjudicate" or interpret dice rolls.  It's still a very cool system, but it's more work for the GM.


Quote from: Bison on April 10, 2016, 07:29:09 PM

As far as the dice mechanics, I really like them.  The only real downside is that you have to be on your toes all game as a GM.  D&D/Pathfinder a player succeeds or fails a skill/attack roll.  It's easy to adjudicate.  The dice rolls in SW require a lot more continuous creativity to "adjudicate" or interpret dice rolls.  It's still a very cool system, but it's more work for the GM.

It's suggested that you allow players to also propose the dicing outcomes & narrative to the GM.  Notably extra successes/advantages. 

While the GM still has the final say, and may need to modify them a bit, that will still give the players more investment in the action.  Also - more control over their character's actions during climactic moments, even when the outcomes are mixed.  Also takes some creative load off the GM.

Just tell them the results they have to "spend" and ask for ideas on what they want to do with them.  Probably no end to the suggestions or ideas when they get the opportunity to describe some special moves which do something badass/interesting/funny.  8)


You are correct, but there is still a learning curve and a need to not set a bad precedence.  The game has a set of outcomes that basically can always be used where you can convert advantage into strain reduction or provide a boost dice to an action for an ally or yourself.  The challenge is still coming up with results generated by the player or GM that remain fresh and don't become a trope within the play group.  The challenge in a combat, which generally last a couple of minutes at most  may have 5 or 6 dice pools of differing degrees of advantage/disadvantage.  There is the challenge.  It's still a great mechanic, but it's one that takes players/gm really being involved in the game and role playing.  The reality is, and I'm sure many have experienced this, not all players/gm are created equally capable of role playing.  Some are more RP oriented and some are more mechanics oriented.  Anyway it's still a fun game especially for those who like the SW or space setting.


I was informed by the oldest that GMs have a lot of responsibility.  I've received an edict to take this responsibility seriously, so she can make a good character.  I'm supposed to be able to tell her what kind of campaign we are playing because the EotE rulebook said so. 


Quote from: Bison on April 11, 2016, 07:40:08 PM
I was informed by the oldest that GMs have a lot of responsibility.  I've received an edict to take this responsibility seriously, so she can make a good character.  I'm supposed to be able to tell her what kind of campaign we are playing because the EotE rulebook said so.

Better know your stuff for that one, or else!  :D