UK Leaving the EU?

Started by BanzaiCat, June 22, 2016, 07:06:41 AM

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Huw the Poo

Quote from: Pete Dero on April 17, 2019, 12:37:58 PM
Doesn't it tell you something about our society when it takes one day for the French to find a billion to rebuild a cathedral while people who are protesting for weeks hear there is no money for them.

Yeah I was thinking that myself earlier.

Sir Slash

If you would like to give all of your money to support the poor or the homeless or whoever, then do so. As for me, I like to keep the money I have earned for myself, my family, and whatever causes I think deserve it, minus of course, the part already taken out by the government that is supposed to be used to support the poor, the homeless, or whoever. That's called Freedom and is my God-given Right, not government-given, regardless what government or anyone else thinks about it. That is the very essence of 'Personal Property' and should be supported by everyone who truly believes in freedom. The people who would rather use their money to rebuild a cathedral rather than use it for whatever purpose someone else believes they should, have that right. Or, at least, still have it... for a while.
"Take a look at that". Sgt. Wilkerson-- CMBN. His last words after spotting a German tank on the other side of a hedgerow.


Quote from: Huw the Poo on April 17, 2019, 09:41:35 AM
Quote from: Ubercat on April 17, 2019, 09:28:23 AM
I'm amazed that you can say all this, and still consider the significant majority of leave voters to simply be racist and xenophobic.

That's because I think they are.  Not sure how you can't see that, unless you think what I said is racist?  Hint: it isn't.  And being someone who has lived here all my life, I can say confidently that I know other Britons far better than you do.  I'm telling you - racism is absolutely rife here.

I don't think anything you said was racist, just common sense. Nevertheless, tons of lefties would consider you the next thing to Hitler for saying them.

Do you think that there's any place where people live that isn't "rife with racism"? It's part of the human condition. In-group preference and fear of the other has served a purpose in survival FAR predating the existence of people. Nevertheless, my own country has never been less racist than it is now. How does yours compare now to its own past?

Everyone, even those who crow the loudest about how non racist they are, have racist impulses from time to time. The important thing is how they're dealt with. Recognizing and immediately discarding them is the best thing to do.

I have a pretty solid racism test. I love my sister. She's kind of a dingbat but that's neither here nor there. I'd take a bullet for her. All I have to do is ask myself if there's any ethnicity of human that I'd have a problem with her dating or marrying. The answer is none. If a guy loves and respects her, and treats her well, I'll happily welcome him to the family whatever his melanin level.

The same does not apply with cultures. They are NOT all created equal, nor do they have equal worth.

QuoteMost Western European governments seem eager to put them on the dole and get their votes.

Ah yes, that old chestnut.  Yes, I'm sure the governing party of the day plan just that - invite a load of migrants in and make them really happy, just so they get more votes!  Jesus christ, you're about as tin-foil-hat as the people who say we should leave the EU because of fears of some federal superstate that is secretly being constructed.

Why do YOU think that all western EU governments are so eager to flood their countries with culturally incompatible "refugees"? Are they really that altruistic? Why do they put the interests of mostly nonproductive foreigners above those of their own people? In Canada, Trudeau spends money housing Isis Jihadi's but cries crocodile tears that they have no money for Canadian veterans wounded fighting such savages. I didn't vote for Trump, and there's a number of valid things to hate about him but this is one good thing about him winning. I've no doubt that Hillary would be pulling the same kind of crap if she'd gotten the chance.

Your own Pakistani grooming gangs were covered up for as long as possible. When the government and BBC couldn't pull that off any longer they uniformly started calling them "Asian" gangs, much to the disgust of more honorable segments of the population, such as the Sikhs. How about the knife and acid wielding gangs of "youths" in London and other big cities? Your police are made to hunt down rude words on the internet rather than protecting actual British people.  :idiot2: 
"If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labelled a radical 50 years ago, a liberal 25 years ago, and a racist today."

- Thomas Sowell

Huw the Poo

Quote from: Ubercat on April 17, 2019, 06:43:39 PM
I don't think anything you said was racist, just common sense. Nevertheless, tons of lefties would consider you the next thing to Hitler for saying them.

Agreed, and they'd be wrong.  I'm not racist, but definitely would be called that by certain people for saying what I posted earlier.  This doesn't change my point that the leave vote was rooted in racism.  Hell, the leave campaign may as well have called themselves "Operation Get the Darkies Out".

QuoteDo you think that there's any place where people live that isn't "rife with racism"? It's part of the human condition. In-group preference and fear of the other has served a purpose in survival FAR predating the existence of people. Nevertheless, my own country has never been less racist than it is now. How does yours compare now to its own past?

I can't speak for other countries.  Surely it varies from country to country, although I would absolutely concede there probably isn't a single country that's free of it.  As for how it compares to the past - that's almost impossible to say.  On a personal basis, i.e. talking to people face to face, it doesn't seem to have diminished at all.  Obviously there's far less of it in popular media though.

QuoteWhy do YOU think that all western EU governments are so eager to flood their countries with culturally incompatible "refugees"? Are they really that altruistic?

Who knows?  I haven't looked into it closely enough.  I suspect that "undesirable" immigrants enter by virtue of association with "desirable" immigrants.  I admit I don't know enough about it, because I've never really cared about this aspect of it.  As I have said before, I don't care if non-British people live here.  I just care that they integrate and respect our laws.

QuoteWhy do they put the interests of mostly nonproductive foreigners above those of their own people?

Citation needed.  If this happens in my country I'd love to see proof.  In the UK, if you don't contribute, you're fucked.  End of story.  As far as I know it hits non-British as much as it hits British people.

QuoteI've no doubt that Hillary would be pulling the same kind of crap if she'd gotten the chance.

Agreed.  As hilarious as it is that you elected Trump, if I'd been an American during the last election I honestly don't know which way I'd have voted.

QuoteYour own Pakistani grooming gangs were covered up for as long as possible. When the government and BBC couldn't pull that off any longer they uniformly started calling them "Asian" gangs, much to the disgust of more honorable segments of the population, such as the Sikhs. How about the knife and acid wielding gangs of "youths" in London and other big cities? Your police are made to hunt down rude words on the internet rather than protecting actual British people.  :idiot2: 

I'm not sure if your question is rhetorical or not, but I agree with you here.  I am beyond furious that our police get a hard-on for Twitter trolls whilst simultaneously declaring they will no longer investigate burglaries unless most of their work is already done for them.