Zweihander RPG (WFRP 2nd Ed Evolution) on KS

Started by Nefaro, August 16, 2016, 09:16:29 AM

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Here ya go, for those who wanted a newer WFRP 2nd Edition:

Only 9 days left.

I'd like to get a physical copy.

Says KS-only print run (WTF?!) so it will likely end up being cheaper than having DriveThruRPG print and send one or, worse, trying to snag someone's overpriced extra from Ebay next year.


I briefly perused some of their beta chapters a few weeks ago.  The system is definitely the old WFRP1/2 stuff, although they've obviously adjusted some things.

Dammit Carl!


The "art-free PDF" is supposedly going to be released for free to everyone after KS is over, since that was an unlocked stretch goal.  I'm guessing it's just raw text with the core rules.

However, what used to be the $50 Softcover (with Art +? ) pledge also got upgraded to a Hardcover.  So if you require a physical copy, now's the time.

Figured I should post this ASAP for those of you wanting something like the oldies.

I'll probably skip it.  I actually like WFRP3 for being so mechanically different than past versions.  On the love side of the "love it or hate it" line.  Never was a fan of d% core mechanics; it always made me feel like I'm playing Data/Spock/C3-PO calculating the exact odds, like a machine, every roll.  Besides, I have Dark Heresy and Deathwatch, which is more d% than I probably should've picked up.  :))