NAVAL ACTION to release within 30 days!!! YES!

Started by Destraex, May 28, 2019, 04:48:04 AM

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Not sure that is still in game. It's pretty easy to pop outside of port and attack an AI ship on the PVE server. Which is all vs AI of course.
But yeah. There is still that grind for rank and ship size.
"They only asked the Light Brigade to do it once"


Are they still wiping all sailing/crafting xp?  I'm sure I'll go back, but I'm not sure I want to grind that again.

I wish they hadn't abandoned Legends (or the original sea trials) which was WoT in sailing ships.


Exactly. What Pete was asking for was tried and was obviously not as successful as they had hoped. OR they did not have the resources to do both.
"They only asked the Light Brigade to do it once"


They used to have this and it worked PERFECTLY. But the Devs felt players were spending too much time in these SP skirmishes. They wanted them sailing around finding their own fights with other players in the open world. I get it...but seems ridiculous to prevent people from doing something they want and force them to do what they don't. Perhaps they should have made the open world more immersive and interesting instead of forcing it
"A government large enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have."--Thomas Jefferson


Did the devs say thats why they removed it? I guess its a good reason.
"They only asked the Light Brigade to do it once"


Quote from: Destraex on May 30, 2019, 10:16:31 PM
Did the devs say thats why they removed it? I guess its a good reason.

Yes. They did. They wanted players to seek eachother out in the open world and interact with others (it is MP after-all) instead of loggin in, grabbing clan mates and setting up insta-battles
"A government large enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have."--Thomas Jefferson


Quote from: Pete Dero on May 29, 2019, 08:45:16 AM
Quote from: Skoop on May 28, 2019, 05:49:54 PM
I'd love to see a historical battle option added to the game in SP where you pick any ship and reenact famous engagements from the period.  It would really show case the best things, like sailing and combat.

Even a skirmish mode or a quick battle option (both against the AI) would make me buy it.

The only skirmish "missions" I could see the last time I played were where your ship was a dead even match for the AI, or even worse. The AI just. doesn't. miss. I found it absurdly difficult to progress in single player PvE, and I have close to 400 hours in the game.


 The best way to make money is to spend money on the DLC ships. There's like three or four of them. Every 24 hours you can produce one into your docs. I do it and sell them. Every day. Sounds completely stupid but it's just the truth. About 20k a day so @ 100k  a week (not every day).  truthfully you can make a lot of money attacking and PC trader ships and selling the goods. That's usually what I do. I was never a big skirmish player .

I still like to pull out one of my frigates,  add another to my fleet and go out and hunt Indiaman traders. Are used to like to capture enemy third and fourth rates and sell them but I didn't seem to be making enough money to cover my damages basically. I would have thought that when I pull into port with a slightly damaged and blood stained fifth rate 18 done frigate the Admiralty would give me more money than the cost of a few hundred Oak timber's
"A government large enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have."--Thomas Jefferson


One trading run that goes for sbout 30mins gets me 170k or so.
"They only asked the Light Brigade to do it once"


Quote from: Destraex on June 03, 2019, 12:47:04 AM
One trading run that goes for sbout 30mins gets me 170k or so.

You're a better man than me. I find the trading tool on the map to be inaccurate (at least of 6 mos ago) so I would buy "low" and everywhere I went, traders would pay $1 for it. Found it's easier to attack NPC traders and take their cargo. I'm not saying you can't make money trading, just that it is very time consuming and I don't think the economy is set up to maintain it. Maybe that will change on release
"A government large enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have."--Thomas Jefferson


All I do is go to the missions and take an economy mission - my ship gets loaded automatically and off I go. I just press delivery once in the destination port.
"They only asked the Light Brigade to do it once"


It's out.

This game has been in early access since early 1716. This long time was spent on perfecting the combat model and sailing simulation; which many claim is the best in the world. No game has come close to the replication of the Age of Sail sailing mechanics and combat.

Thank you all for your feedback, bug reports and constructive criticism - you helped to make the game better.

In the next 2 weeks we plan to stabilize the build, provide final updates for localization (including the steam page) and publish the roadmap for the 2019.

Thank you again.
"They only asked the Light Brigade to do it once"

Pete Dero


THe next thing they plan to do is show us their plans for the rest of 2019. THis after so many people said they would dump the game after release and move on. I guess they will if people pan this perfectly good game.
"They only asked the Light Brigade to do it once"


I enjoy the game as I said before. I think the combat is about as good as you can get. Realistic enough to be immersive but fast enough to be playable. (Who wants to maneuver a sailing ship for 3 hours to get into firing position?). I just really hope they can stabilize the open world game. We have gone back and forth on crafting (easy and hard), how easy it is to get ahold of ships (purchase, craft or boarding) and other stuff. They were experimenting- which is what EA is for- but the devs never seemed to know exactly what the game was. To me, the OW was just a backdrop for fights.

I play PVE only so a lot of the stuff isn't a huge deal. What I do think they NEED to implement is an immersive and semi-realistic naval career option. I'm sailing huge frigates and 3rd rates for his majesty's navy yet I just go do my own thing. If I ask for direction from the admiralty, I'll get "go here and kill 6 of these". Hardly immersive. I would want realistic orders based on my "take your 4th rate Agamemnon and head a squadron with these 3 AI controlled frigates. Your mission (as a commodore) is to sail to this area, hunt down and destroy a French frigate squadron. Or "patrol this area for a month and do as much damage to the enemy as you can." I don't need rewards for success so much as I want to get hit if I don't do it. Some type of "career mode" instead of feeling like a captain-for-hire complete
With my own small fleet
"A government large enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have."--Thomas Jefferson