All the colors of the RAINBOW-A Rule the Waves 3 AAR (as the USN)

Started by Tripoli, May 22, 2023, 08:59:58 PM

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All the colors of the RAINBOW- A USN Rule the Waves 3 AAR

In this AAR, I  am playing the United States, with the game beginning in 1900. I will be playing on the "Admiral" level.  I will post every six months of game time.  The title of the AAR is based on the US RAINBOW series of war plans.  Historically, each color of the RAINBOW plans was a plan to defeat a single country.  In this AAR, I am placing a personal goal of defeating each nation of the game in a war before the game end, hence the title of the AAR.

The RTW system does not directly address national goals in determining victory.  Rather, it uses the concept of the player's  prestige.  The gain or  loss of territory in RTW results in a corresponding gain or loss of prestige.  When the player's prestige goes down to approximately 15, the player losses.  Conversely, when the player's prestige increases to approximately 30, they win.  Because of this, prestige can act as an imperfect stand in for national goals, as he is incentivized to maximize his prestige by minimizing territorial loss and avoiding civil unrest.

With these artificialities in mind, my objectives (aka, "national goals") are to maximize my prestige while achieving the following objectives: 1) preserve the territorial integrity of the continental United States (CONUS); 2)  Maintain existing colonies and bases and 3) maintaining a stable political and economic environment.  See P.H. Liotta and Ricmond M. Lloyd, "From Here to There: The Strategy and Force Planning Framework, Naval War College Review, Spring 2005).
At game start, there is no significant threat to the U.S. Tension for all nations is low (2 or 3), with only Italy being Medium at 4, so at this early stage of the game Italy is the most likely threat.  However, the most dangerous threat is Great Britain.  This is because the size of its fleet, which has 19 Battleships to our 8.  The Royal Navy has a similar 2:1 advantage in CA and CLs.  Further, Great Britain has the global bases needed to threaten the US mainland and significant overseas possessions.   When viewed as the most dangerous threat, in terms of being able to endanger the US territorial integrity the United Kingdom (UK) leads the list.  The UK has bases with sufficient capacity to support an attack on both the East and West coasts of the United States.  Similarly, it has a global reach, enabling it to destroy US commercial traffic in any of the ocean areas.  Finally, it has a significant advantage in capital ships (19:8). CA (18:7), CL (19:8).  Only in DDs does the US have a slight advantage (32:37).  The second most dangerous threat is France, followed by Germany.  Both have significant bases throughout the world, allowing them to endanger US commercial traffic.  However, each of their fleets is closer in size to the USN, and their less capable bases makes it less likely, if not impossible, for them to support a fleet that could endanger CONUS.  Finally, Japan and Italy are the least dangerous, lacking both the bases and a sufficiently large fleet to endanger either CONUS or the US.
Given this national interests, geo-political situation, the US naval strategy will have two goals:  1) Avoid a war with Great Britain at all costs, for the foreseeable future.  If that is not possible, the US will quickly resolve the war against Britain before they win a decisive victory.  Second, to gain prestige by fighting and winning wars against lesser powers.  This dual track strategy will require two types of fleets: a fleet designed to win an asymmetrical war against the Royal Navy, by emphasizing commerce-raiding, high technology, light vessels and submarines to balance the Royal Navy's decisive edge in capital ships, but with a battlefleet capable of winning against any other power. 
To build this fleet, the USN will first emphasize rapidly developing ship technology, in particular machinery, gunnery, torpedoes, light forces, and submarines.  To save costs, I will not begin any major new shipbuilding projects for several years, with the intent of jumping ahead in technology and building a new fleet of technologically advanced dreadnoughts, and thereby neutralize the Royal Navy's advantage in numbers.  While waiting for this fleet to be developed, I will try to avoid war, unless the USN has a decisive advantage in forces and can quickly win the war.
With the idea of maximizing the offensive capabilities of my fleet, I set my research to "High" in the following areas.  All other areas are set to "Medium."  I also set my research budget to a maximum of 12%, setting the following areas as "High" and the remainder as "Medium":
•   Machinery Development
•   Fire Control
•   AP Projectiles
•   Light Forces and Torpedo Warfare
•   Torpedoes
By emphasizing this technology, I hope to create an highly capable offensive fleet with a technological advantage over all my peer competitors, and the ability to quickly leap ahead of the Royal Navy.
"Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" -Abraham Lincoln


January-June 1900

   During the period, tensions with Germany, Great Britain and France increased to 5.  Italy remained stable at 4, and Japan, Spain, Russia and  Austro-Hungary remained low.

USA Political
   Prestige: 20
   Unrest: 2

Naval Intelligence
   During the period, the USN initiates low level collection against Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy.  While this will raise tension, it should be minimal, and will also help to prevent collection against our technology by the biggest threats.
The Naval balance of forces is in the table below:

USN Budget
I request and receive a budget increase, which increases tension to Medium (5) with Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy.

USN Construction
Three Battleships and 2 light cruisers are under construction.  I will keep these under construction, although I will not purchase additional ships.  This way I won't fall too far behind European navies while I wait for technology to increase.

Construction on new docks to allow the USN to build 16,000 ton battleship to compete with the Royal Navy are begun.

The USN begins a 3-year long improvement to develop the port capacity in the Philippines.  This is to give the USN sufficient port capacity to support an Asiatic squadron.  An 11-inch gun battery is also begun to protect this possession.
USN Operations
I have a global cruise with obsolete ships.  This raises the USN budget, while keeping tensions low.
To save money, I scrap all my coastal fortifications, as I don't believe they will be effective against the Royal Navy, although I will build additional base facilities in the Philippines, as it is only capable of supporting a small squadron, and I will need to deploy more forces there in the event of a war with France, Germany or Britain.  However, these will be heavier guns.  I will also increase the size of my docks I deploy SAN FRANSCISO- class CLs to Northern Europe, Mediterranean, the Indian Ocean, SE Asia and West Africa to show the flag.  Finally, I begin expanding my dock size, to enable the building of larger battleships capable of equaling those that the Royal Navy can produce.
"Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" -Abraham Lincoln



I note the two fleet theory mirrors that of Imperial and Nazi Germany! -- Britain just kind of requires such a thing.  :grin:
ICEBREAKER THESIS CHRONOLOGY! -- Victor Suvorov's Stalin Grand Strategy theory, in lots and lots of chronological order...
Dawn of Armageddon -- narrative AAR for Dawn of War: Soulstorm: Ultimate Apocalypse
Survive Harder! -- Two season narrative AAR, an Amazon Blood Bowl career.
PanzOrc Corpz Generals -- Fantasy Wars narrative AAR, half a combined campaign.
Khazâd du-bekâr! -- narrative dwarf AAR for LotR BfME2 RotWK campaign.
RobO Q Campaign Generator -- archived classic CMBB/CMAK tool!


Quote from: JasonPratt on May 23, 2023, 07:22:32 AM:notworthy:

I note the two fleet theory mirrors that of Imperial and Nazi Germany! -- Britain just kind of requires such a thing.  :grin:

That's one of the reasons I wanted to play as the US.  In the early game, IMHO, you need to build 2 types of fleet: a traditional battlefleet to face all your competitors, except Great Britain, and a Jeune Ecole style fleet ( to defend against the Royal Navy.  One of the weaknesses in my current (June 1900) fleet is the lack of commerce raiders.  Here's the design I came up with to fix that gap:

THe TACOMA class has extreme range, which is useful for a raider.  It also has good speed (although not as much as I would like), and is lightly armored, so it will avoid combat with anything but the most light enemy forces.  The main armament fires forward and aft for either pursuit or running away.  It is also large enough to be useful for colonial duties.
"Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" -Abraham Lincoln


July-December 1900


June, the US is given the opportunity to secure a 100 year lease on Hainan Island.  The cost for doing this is increased tension, but the cost of not doing it is a loss of prestige.  Currently, my prestige is at 20, so I don't want to go lower, so I take the concession. Tensions with both Germany and Great Britain consequentially increase to 6.

September-an uprising in China gives the US a chance to reduce tensions with European nations by not getting involved.  Although some other nation may benefit by potentially gaining a port, the US currently has enough ports in the region, so I opt to reduce tensions.

September-A spying scandal involving the Japanese is uncovered.  My choices are to ignore it, and lose prestige, or elevate the issue and raise tensions with Japan.  Since Japan has relatively low tensions, and the USN is capable of taking on the Japanese navy, I elevate the issue.

September-Germany and Austro-Hungary enter into an alliance.

November-Russia asks to increase cooperation with the US, due to rising tensions with Japan.  Current tensions with Russia are 0, and 4 with Japan.  I agree to increase cooperation, as Russian offers the possibility of bases in Northern Europe which may be useful in the event of a war with other European powers, and the low tensions with Japan don't make war likely in the near term.

December-Well, that didn't work out well.  The Japanese did not like the increased cooperation with Russia, and have increased tensions to 7....Tensions are now:
Germany   5
Great Britain   6
France      6
Russia      0
Japan      7
Italy      4
Spain      3
Austro-Hungary   3

USA Political
   December-Unrest level increases to 3.  My prestige is stable at 20.
Naval Intelligence
June-To help reduce tensions with Great Britain, I reallocate intelligence collection efforts from targeting Great Britain to targeting Italy.

September-Because of the spying by Japan, I increase intelligence collection efforts against them.

October-Intelligence reports that the Royal Navy HOGUE and KING ALFRED -class cruisers have a top speed of 20 knots.  If true, this gives US cruisers a 2-3 knot advantage.

December-The Naval Balance of Forces in below:

USN Technical Developments
July-A research breakthrough allows the USN to build 500 ton DDs

August-Breakthrough in torpedo technology gives the USN torpedoes with an 800 yard range.

September-the US improves machinery, allowing for a 1% savings in machinery weight.

October-New recoil technology improves the USNs Rate of Fire.

November-Technological developments in ship design allow for a heavy (>8inch) secondary armament.

USN Budget
   July The current USN building program has a minor budget deficit of about $500/month.  However, this is sustainable.

USN Construction
June-To develop a robust commerce raiding capability, I begin development of the TACOMA class CL. 

June-Four destroyers of the 400 tone JOUETT class are completed.  These are the first medium-range destroyers in the fleet.  After their work ups, I'll transfer them to the Philippines, as the US only has 2 CA in the region.

August-The two lead units of the TACOMA class (TACOMA and DES MOINES) are laid down.  Construction time is 21 months.
October-A CL is commissioned.

November-The B MONTANA and CA SAN DIEGO are commissioned.

December-Two more units of the TACOMA class CL are ordered.  However, with the rapid advance in ship technology, I'm going to halt the class at four hulls.

USN Operations
August- To help reduce tensions with Great Britain, I pull the cruiser on patrol duties out of Northern European waters.

End of Turn Notes
 At the end of December, it looks like war with Japan may be brewing.  I will have to start basing some units on the West Coast of the US.  The budget looks good, with a $30,000 balance, and a surplus of about $800/month.  I will have to reinforce some of my Pacific possessions, such as Hawaii
"Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" -Abraham Lincoln


ICEBREAKER THESIS CHRONOLOGY! -- Victor Suvorov's Stalin Grand Strategy theory, in lots and lots of chronological order...
Dawn of Armageddon -- narrative AAR for Dawn of War: Soulstorm: Ultimate Apocalypse
Survive Harder! -- Two season narrative AAR, an Amazon Blood Bowl career.
PanzOrc Corpz Generals -- Fantasy Wars narrative AAR, half a combined campaign.
Khazâd du-bekâr! -- narrative dwarf AAR for LotR BfME2 RotWK campaign.
RobO Q Campaign Generator -- archived classic CMBB/CMAK tool!


Video drive by bombing time!!

But seriously, thank you Tripoli for this AAR.  I'm intrigued to see how things will end up in your game.  Are those tables homemade or does the game create these?  Data tables so are my thing!
"You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend."

Romulan Commander to Kirk



In my next post, there will be an interesting tidbit about war with Germany being imminent.  Fascinating turn of events, as in December 1900 I was worried about war with Japan.  Because of this, the CNO issues the first RAINBOW  plan: RAINBOW BLACK:


Strategic Situation: Germany has bases in Western Europe, West Africa, Southern Africa, the Indian Ocean, SE Asia, NE Asia, Central Pacific, and South Pacific.  Of these areas the only significant bases (with their capacity) are in Europe (1600), the South Pacific (20), and NE Asia (30).  All other areas have capacities of 9 or less. Germany is also allied with Austro-Hungary, which has a single base of 60 capacity in the Mediterranean.
The US has bases in two of these areas: The Central Pacific (85) and SE Asia (124).  Therefore, the US has a decisive advantage in these areas, and outside of northern Europe and possibly the Mediterranean, is not significantly disadvantaged in its ability to support its fleet in any ocean area when compared to Germany.

Force Comparison: The US has 84% of Germany's fleet tonnage, and has 76% of their battleships, 56% of their CAs, 50% of their CLs.  Only in DDs does the US have a minor advantage.
German vessels are likely superior in damage resistance, and overall are likely to have a similar technical capability to US ships.  US Battleships are average a slightly heavier displacement, have similar armament and average 0.5 knots slower in speed.  I also suspect that German vessels are generally inferior in range and habitability, as the German ships being largely confined to the North Sea and Baltics does not require these characteristics.  Therefore, I believe the Germans will have difficulty in sustaining any offensive operations outside of their home waters.  The similarity in ships also means that it is unlikely for an engagement with similar sized forces to be decisive.  Only in the sea areas where the US has an advantage in bases can an overwhelming force be brought to bear, and thereby achieve victory.  These areas are in the Central Pacific and SE Asia. 

War Objective: Based on this, the US war aim will be to fight a limited war, with the following war aims, in order of priority: 1) an early war end; with 2) minor territorial gains in the Pacific.  To accomplish this strategy, the US will defend in the Eastern Atlantic and attack in the Pacific, and conduct raiding and anti-raider operations throughout the rest of the world. To support this strategy, two divisions of battleships will be sent to the Pacific, along with some supporting vessels.  That should give sufficient offensive power needed.  The initial offensive operation will be in NE Asia, where the bulk of Germany's overseas fleet is concentrated, with the objective of destroying that fleet and seizing the German port in the region.  This will give the US a port in NE Asia that will ultimately be useful in any war against Japan. 
"Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" -Abraham Lincoln


Duplicate post
"Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" -Abraham Lincoln


January-June  1901


January-Spain asks for a technology sharing agreement.  The cost for not providing it is a decrease in relations.  However, that would elevate Spain to a 4, which is still relatively low.  Rather than risk the spread of USN technology, we decline.

February-Tensions with Germany unexpectedly spike to 10.  I'm not sure what happened, but given it is the Germany of Kaiser Wilhelm, I shouldn't take it personally.....

February-A revolution in Panama gives the US a chance to make it a colony.  However, that may increase international tension.  Normally, I would say no, especially with a war with Germany that I want to prevent.  However, eventually building a canal there is a strategic issue, as it reduces East Coast to West Coast transit time by at least 2 months.  I'm going to risk it......And the US successfully colonizes Panama in March.  However, tensions with Germany increase to 11....The UK, France, and Japan increase their tension level to 8.  Only Russia really likes me right now....

April: the POTUS has a meeting with the Kaiser, for the purpose of lowering tensions.  Because the USN is not quite ready for war with Germany, I advocate to lower tensions, by lowering the USN budget.  Tensions with Germany is lowered to a 9

May: A spy from Austria-Hungary is discovered.  Because tensions are only a 3, I opt to publicly raise the issue, which increases the naval budget, at a cost of raising tensions with AH to a 4.
June - Tensions are now:
Germany          9
Great Britain   8
France      8
Russia      0
Japan      7
Italy             4
Spain      5
Austro-Hungary   4

USA Political
   Nothing Significant to Report (NSTR).  Prestige: 20.  Unrest: 4.

[/b]Naval Intelligence
February-Japan completes two Battleships.

February-The unexpected spike in tensions with Germany force me to take a quick look at German deployments.  They have 5 CA in NE Asia, but otherwise we don't have any significant forces near each other.  War Plan RAINBOW BLACK is updated (see above).  To reduce the chance of war, intel collection against Germany is set to 0.

June: Tensions between the UK and AH become high.

USN Technical Developments

January-Develop hardened AP penetrators.
April: Develop the Cockburn safety valve, reducing machinery weight by 1%   
May: USN develops the double bottom, allowing for increase in damage control (DC) capability.

USN Budget
Yearly budget at 298,240

USN Construction

January-B Ohio is commissioned, and larger (16,000 ton) docks are completed.  Begin expanding base at Pearl Harbor.
The AYLWIN, a new 500-ton destroyer class is designed.  This features improved habitability and medium range, so will be useful in a Pacific conflict.  It is also less top-heavy.  While not an improvement in armament, and slower than the earlier classes the AYLWIN will enable the USN to begin to replace the short ranged and less habitable DDs that make up the vast bulk of the fleet.

February-The 11-inch battery in the Philippines is completed, as is the CA Pueblo. A 12 inch battery is begun at Pearl Harbor. 3 DDs of the AYLWIN class and 6 of the earlier JOUETT class are ordered, as they may be needed with war with Germany in the offing.
The B COLORADO s commissioned.  I was a bit worried about this one, as it was being built in a UK shipyard, and war with Germany would have prevented its delivery.  Fortunately, it is now in my hot little hands.....

March: Begin increasing dock size to 17,000 tons

USN Operations

February-Six battleships are transferred to the West Coast to act as a deterrent to Japan and Germany. The West Coast squadron of 1 CA, 1 CL and 3 DD is forward deployed to Hawaii.  A squadron of destroyers is moved to the Caribbean, and cruisers are sent to their war stations.
"Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" -Abraham Lincoln


July-December  1901


July-Tensions increase to between Japan and Russia to 10.  Tensions between the UK and AH are also 10.

August: A South American country asks for our backing in a dispute.  To lower tensions with European nations, I advocate an international peace conference.

November: A disagreement over colonies emerges with the UK.  The choices are to escalate the conflict, which provides a budget and prestige increase, but dramatically increases tension; 2) Avoid war but build up the fleet, or 3) deescalate, at the cost of prestige but with an increase in budget. And a decrease in tensions.  Right now, the UK is about to go to war with Austro-Hungary, which is allied with Germany, so I don't think they will also go to war with the US.  However, my strategy is to avoid war at all costs.  With a current tension level of 7, the US has some slight wiggle room regarding tension.  With a prestige level of 20, I also have a slight bit of leeway to lose prestige, but not too much.  Based on this, I opt for the middle ground: a slight increase in tension in exchange for an increase in budget.  See image below:

December-War has broken out between the UK and Austro-Hungary. Due to a second war in the Balkans, tensions increase among all powers.  At the end of December tensions are now:

Germany    9
Great Britain    9
France        8
Russia        2
Japan        7
Italy        4
Spain        4
Austro-Hungary    4

USA Political

    My prestige remains at 20.  Unrest is 4

Naval Intelligence

July-With the world tensions increasing, I increase intelligence spending to "Low" for all nations.  As it takes time in the game to set up networks, this is to improve my overall intelligence collection capability before hostilities.
USN  Technical Developments

August-Hydraulic riveting reduces hull weight by 1%
September- Power rammers are invented, offering a rate of fire increase.  The research field of Submarines is also opened up. 

October-With the opening up of Submarines, I lower the machinery emphasis.  Research into 12 inch guns is also elevated to "High" to take advantage of the improvement expected due to USN gunnery training and fire control, and the larger hulls that will be available with the 17,000 ton docks being built.

October-_An analysis of the technical capabilities of the various navies indicates that the USN is only slightly behind the Royal Navy, at least in terms of fielded technology.  At this point, the RN is slightly ahead in submarine and in mine warfare.

November: Medium Wing turrets of up to 10 inches are invented.

USN Budget

At the end of December, the USN yearly budget is $340,880, placing it behind Germany, Great Britain, France, and equal to Russia.

USN Construction

July-The USN begins building a 12 in battery in Panama

December-12-inch shore battery in Hawaii is completed.

December: USS HURON designed.

USN Operations

August The USN begins to prioritize training on gunnery.

September With the AYLWIN class DDs entering the fleet, and the declining world tensions, I begin to mothball the 300-ton DECATUR class DDs as they are cramped and short-ranged.  This would improve the unrest level, and free up funds for some additional light cruisers.

End of year notes:

While I would like to continue with my strategy of holding off on building fleet units, the naval balance of power seems to be shifting, with France beginning to take a dramatic leap ahead in fleet units.  It appears that the USN will not be able to avoid building major fleet units.  While I could possibly avoid a war with Great Britain, France also has sufficient global reach that it could be a threat, and with global tensions rising, it is unlikely that the US will be able to avoid a war with some major power.  Accordingly, I will have to begin on an expansion of the fleet.  I estimate that I will need at least 5 battleships. I will begin this construction project in 3 months, when the dock size increases.  In the meantime, I will start a heavy cruiser project to create a scouting/raiding/counter-raider force.  Because this cruiser is likely to encounter similar sized CAs involved in overseas service,  I have ONI review the German, French and British fleets to determine the most likely opponents.  The result of this analysis is that the most likely current opponents are the HMS CRESSY, SMS HERTHA and FS DUPUY DE LOME.  Based on this, the US designs the USS HURON, a 13900 ton, 23 knot vessel with a 6" belt and armed with 14-8" and 10-4" guns, but without any torpedoes.  It has medium range and normal accommodations, and an immune zone of 2-10" yards.  This makes it faster than any of its similar-sized opponents, with a significantly heavier broadside than all but the SMS HERTHA, and equal in speed to any CL-class raiders it is likely to encounter.

"Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" -Abraham Lincoln


You're really making me want to switch over from WITE2 to this.  You haven't mentioned commanders.  Is that optional?


Quote from: bobarossa on May 31, 2023, 09:11:20 PMYou're really making me want to switch over from WITE2 to this.  You haven't mentioned commanders.  Is that optional?

No, I just hadn't started to play significantly with commanders yet, instead allowing the game to assign them, mostly because I was transfering units to the Pacific and trying to get an idea of what the force structure would be  However, that is starting to change this round. 
"Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" -Abraham Lincoln


January-June 1902


January-There are reports that the Royal Navy lost several destroyers in a battle with Austro-Hungary in the Mediterranean.  No other details are known. Additionally, an indecisive engagement was fought between the Germans and UK in the South Pacific.

January-I blame the collision between an Austro-Hungarian and USN ship on the AH, increasing tensions with them.  However, tensions are currently relatively low, and they are unlikely to want a war with the US.

February-It is suggested that the US arms Malaysian rebels against the UK.  That does not seem like a good idea right now....

March-Tensions with the UK increase to 10.  Tensions with Japan increase to 8 over our occupation of the Philippines.

March-An uprising in China gives me the opportunity to lower tensions with the UK by not getting involved.

At then end of June, the tension levels are:
Germany   8
Great Britain   9
France      7
Russia      1
Japan      8
Italy      4
Spain      3
Austro-Hungary   5

USA Political

   My prestige remains at 20. National Unrest is 4.

Naval Intelligence

January- Indications that an unknown power stole industrial secrets from the US

January -The US improves their AP shells.

April-ONI manages to obtain the design of the French 13-inch gun, but it is poor quality (-2) so I don't know I'll be able to use it.

January 1902 Naval Balance of Power

USN  Technical Developments

January-Because ONI believes that war with either France or the UK is probable in the next 2 years, research is re-prioritized to 13 inch guns, submarines and Fleet Tactics, with the intent of developing mine warfare.
February-Face Hardened armor developed

April-The USN develops mine warfare, coastal submarines and further developments reduce machinery weight by 1%

USN Budget

February-Congress increases the Naval budget.
June: Annual budget is now $347,280

USN Construction

January- Four ALWIN-class destroyers are ordered to bring those Destroyer Divisions equipped with the class up to full strength

January- Design the JUNEAU-class CL for use as a Destroyer leader/anti-raider/colonial ship.  Five units are ordered in March, and will be completed in 20 months

February-New Docks are completed. Dock Capacity is now 18,000 tons

March-Design the CALIFORNIA-class B. The 12-inch battery in Panama is completed.

April-Four units of the HURON-class CA are ordered. These are intended to be commerce raiders.

May-Four coastal submarines are ordered. I will likely build more, but these are for test-bed purposes (they become more reliable over time, and I don't want to spend a lot of money early on unreliable subs....)  Two TACOMA CLs enter the fleet

USN Operations

With the shifting of significant fleet assets to the Pacific, the USN begins to restructure into an Atlantic/Pacific organizational structure.  This will also help increase the training level of the USN, especially as the European nations are beginning to get combat experience.  The structure will generally consist of BatDiv of 3 Bs, CruDiv of 2 CAs, CLDiv of 2 CLs and Destroyer Divisions of 5 DD. At some point, I will also develop a scouting division of four small CL for the main battle fleet, but that will have to await a year or so.  The reason for this organization is that it will both be easier to manage in battle, and that units of these sizes should be able to combine their firepower to rapidly reduce a single target, although I may reduce the battleship division to 2 units, depending on the result of fleet maneuvers that I will be scheduling likely later this year.

By June 1902, some below average officers are identified.  I create several commands with no ships and move this "deadwood" into those commands to free up the billets for better officers.

"Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" -Abraham Lincoln