It's World War SPACE!

Started by Jarhead0331, September 27, 2012, 04:44:51 PM

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Arctic Blast

Quote from: steve58 on December 18, 2012, 02:43:35 PM
Looks like there is a demo now available

...under Downloads

Since I did enjoy the movie, it seems only right that I be the one to see if this is actually entertaining or a hot mess. Downloading!

Arctic Blast

Well, I tried it. Ugh comes to mind as a response.

The actual flight mechanics are pretty simple. Steer with the mouse, speed up/slow down by scrolling the mouse wheel up or down, fire with the left button. You can distribute your ship's energy to focus more on shields, engines or weapons by pressing Q, E or W respectively. S changes what weapon you're using. The right button locks on to small targets, but you have to use 1 to lock on to big ones and can then scroll between sub systems to fire on. I have no idea why different target types require different lock buttons other than incompetence. It really doesn't make any damn sense.

At any time, you can dock with a space station to replenish weapons, repair and sell scrap you've picked up from things that blowed up real good. Yes, even while space Nazis are attacking, the space stations of various nations just can't WAIT to hand you thousands of dollars for the burned out bits blown off their enemies. You then spend the money on upgrades.

There's the typical game view in all of it's glory. Once you clean out an area or finish at a space station, you bring up the map and mission log and simply pick the next area of interest and warp there. So at least you aren't stuck wasting time flying around between things.

And then we come to this :

Full video mission briefings! And they're 'funny'. Well, not so much actually funny and more in the vein of trying so damn hard to be funny that it hurts. The actors involved give performances on par with what you might see from a hostage with a gun pointed at them. It's so bad that I can't even call it acting...the word acting should be nowhere near this mess. Remember the earliest games using full motion video scenes? Remember how ghastly those videos tended to be? Yeah, expect that.

Oh, but you aren't free from this just because you start shooting stuff! No way in Hell do you get off THAT easy!

These people are eager to talk to you and share more 'jokes' while you fly! You are one lucky bastard.

Meanwhile, the guy who did the voice work for the pilot sounds sort of like Seth Green, if Seth Green was jacked up on a handful of Quaaludes, a bottle of gin and some serious self loathing. I hated him. And he keeps talking and offering quips throughout the damn game. It's been awhile since I despised a player character this much in a game, but this dude is a bag of crap. I was cheering for the Nazis while shooting at them.

I cannot imagine playing this beyond the 30 minute time limit offered by the demo (that's what the timer is in the bottom right of some of those pics). I can't imagine any human being trying this and then deciding it's worth $40 and who knows how much of their time.

However, I WOULD totally subject myself to this crap if it was dirt cheap. I'm weird like that.  ;D


Thanks AB, I was going to download this tonight, but you saved me a download!
Government is not the solution to our problem—government is the problem.   Ronald Reagan
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.   Thomas Jefferson
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.   George Orwell  The truth is quiet...It's the lies that are loud.   Jesus Revolution
If you ever find yourself in need of a safe space then you're probably going to have to stop calling yourself a social justice warrior. You cannot be a warrior and a pansy at the same time   Mike Adams (RIP Mike)


^That's review of the month right there.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



Quote from: Gusington on December 18, 2012, 08:13:42 PM
^That's review of the month right there.

Hell damn yeah!

I mean, "Can I get an 'Amen'"?

Arctic Blast

Oh, I forgot to mention the enemy pilot AI! It uses all kinds of complex maneuvers like :

-Fly straight and apparently not notice that you're being shot until you explode.
-Take a single turn to try to get out of the line of fire, then give up quicker than the French and just accept your inevitable loss.
-Fly straight at the player character but forget that you have lasers/ He'll be so unnerved that he'll panic and flee! It's FOOLPROOF!

Huw the Poo


I'm enjoying it to be frank.
It's not exactly a top notch Space Simulator, but it's got a nice share of funny quirks.

As for the different targets, it makes perfect sense to have different buttons for targeting subsystems.
Imagine trying to scroll to find all enemy targets, only to have to go over each and every subsystem they have.
There are plenty of good targeting buttons there, including R (nearest enemy), 1&2 to cycle through targets, and 3&4 for subsystems.