What are we reading?

Started by Martok, March 05, 2012, 01:13:59 PM

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^That the same Stephen Pressfield of Gates of Fire and other ancient books?

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.


Airborne Rifles

Quote from: Gusington on October 16, 2014, 07:49:56 PM
^That the same Stephen Pressfield of Gates of Fire and other ancient books?

The same.


That guy is prolific...lotsa titles.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.


Airborne Rifles

Yeah, I didn't know he was Jewish until I read this book. It's not a novel, but not your traditional history book either.


Quote from: Martok on October 16, 2014, 10:46:05 AM
Am now over 3/4 of the way through Towers of Midnight.  I can barely put it down; talk about a page-turner! 

Sanderson was obviously bound and determined to resolve as many loose threads and secondary storylines in this book as possible.  It's not a bad thing, really, but the pace is almost breathtaking at times.  (And I thought Knife of Dreams moved quickly!  Sheesh...) 

Minor spoiler:  When Perrin names his new weapon (after forging it), I'm not gonna deny I got a big lump in my throat...and tears in my eyes.  Now *that's* good writing.

youre going to make me start this arent you?


DON'T DO IT GEEK!  Despite what Jason and Martok say, you'll never get back the time you spent slogging through five or eight books to get to the good stuff.
And the One Song to Rule Them All is Gimme Shelter - Rolling Stones

"If its a Balrog, I don't think you get an option to not consent......." - bob


thats what i thought - have i got to grind through some bad stuff to get to the juicy bits?



There are 4 to 6 books of juicy bits (depending on the taste of who's counting), then a slog of varying levels of slogginess (depending somewhat on taste, patience, and how hyped you were for getting the book at last after a couple of years waiting ;) ), until Book 11, Knife of Dreams starts.

It is not at all as sloggy as how Martin's epic is turning out to be. And Tor.com has had one of its editors (or authors I forget which), Leigh Butler, post up a chapter summary with humorous/insightful/annoyed commentary for each book for free (for in print for a pittance via Amazon), so if you finally lose enough momentum you can crib from her through the worst of it. Though she accidentally spoils a bit sometimes in the sloggier parts as, like many of us, she gave up late in the slog so she knows where the plot is going up to a point.

I recommend it with those reservations.
ICEBREAKER THESIS CHRONOLOGY! -- Victor Suvorov's Stalin Grand Strategy theory, in lots and lots of chronological order...
Dawn of Armageddon -- narrative AAR for Dawn of War: Soulstorm: Ultimate Apocalypse
Survive Harder! -- Two season narrative AAR, an Amazon Blood Bowl career.
PanzOrc Corpz Generals -- Fantasy Wars narrative AAR, half a combined campaign.
Khazâd du-bekâr! -- narrative dwarf AAR for LotR BfME2 RotWK campaign.
RobO Q Campaign Generator -- archived classic CMBB/CMAK tool!


i actually like Martins slog


Quote from: undercovergeek on October 17, 2014, 06:22:08 AM
thats what i thought - have i got to grind through some bad stuff to get to the juicy bits?
FWIW geek, in doing this re-read of the series, the only two books I've found to be "sloggy" at all were 9 & 10 (Winter's Heart and Crossroads of Twilight).  Otherwise, the series has been pretty well-paced, at least for me. 

That being said, I know a lot of folks struggle to get through the first book (Eye of the World) -- perhaps because there's as much world-building as plot going on (which of course some folks just aren't interested in).  For that reason, I generally recommend people at least read The Great Hunt in addition before deciding whether to continue reading the series or give up on it. 

(I know a number of of folks say one should even read the the third book, The Dragon Reborn, as well before deciding.  If you're not grabbed by *that* point, however, then you definitely shouldn't continue.) 

Quote from: undercovergeek on October 17, 2014, 10:00:49 AM
i actually like Martins slog
Heh.  Then you should have no problem with Jordan.  Martin's writing makes Jordan's work look like a high-speed car chase in comparison.  ::) 

"Like we need an excuse to drink to anything..." - Banzai_Cat
"I like to think of it not as an excuse but more like Pavlovian Response." - Sir Slash

"At our ages, they all look like jailbait." - mirth

"If we had lines here that would have crossed all of them. For the 1,077,986th time." - Gusington

"Government is so expensive that it should at least be entertaining." - airboy

"As long as there's bacon, everything will be all right." - Toonces


Obviously, JP and Martok are being paid by Jordan's estate to say nice things. :P I will read through just about anything in an effort to say, "I did it."  I made it through Book 8 and said, "Enough."  If it could be said in three words, Jordan took a chapter.  There were characters galore and tedious descriptions of minutiae that even an obsessive/compulsive would think were too much.  And the defenders that tell you that they will grudgingly admit it gets a little slow are doing you a disservice.  Trust me, the time you save reading that could be better spent  doing a 9,000 piece puzzle that looks like the rest of this post

And the One Song to Rule Them All is Gimme Shelter - Rolling Stones

"If its a Balrog, I don't think you get an option to not consent......." - bob


lol, thanks guys, im going to slink away to consider


Recently read Foundation, and Raymond Feist's Magician: Apprentice. Almost done with Foundation and Empire. Still reading The Lies of Locke Lamora and Cryptonomicon.


I envy you if this is your first read through of Foundation and Magician:Apprentice.  Two of my very favorite all time series.
And the One Song to Rule Them All is Gimme Shelter - Rolling Stones

"If its a Balrog, I don't think you get an option to not consent......." - bob


Quote from: MetalDog on October 22, 2014, 06:49:21 PM
I envy you if this is your first read through of Foundation and Magician:Apprentice.  Two of my very favorite all time series.

It is my first read of Feist. I've read all of the Foundation books before except Foundation's Edge and Foundation and Earth.