Tsarists....in spaaaaace or In Soviet Russia game kickstart YOU!

Started by republic, October 04, 2013, 06:07:54 AM

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With my recent fascination with the Russians (caused by too many games of Airland battle) this game is the first game I've actually supported by kickstarter.  Good music, interesting story, good art, new ideas...I hope it works!


RPS article that lead me there:  http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/10/03/tsarist-space-struggle-the-mandate/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+RockPaperShotgun+%28Rock%2C+Paper%2C+Shotgun%29


Quote from: republic on October 04, 2013, 06:07:54 AM
With my recent fascination with the Russians (caused by too many games of Airland battle) this game is the first game I've actually supported by kickstarter.  Good music, interesting story, good art, new ideas...I hope it works!


I find Russian history quite interesting.  It's often violent and darkly surreal.  One good example that reminds me of this is when Peter The Great, as a child during one of the Streltsy revolts, saw his uncle literally torn apart in front of him at the hands of a Russian mob which he had been trying to 'talk down'.  While every locale has a long interesting history and stories to tell, I think England/Britain may be the only other one that can approach the frequency and extent of strife and treachery.   ???

As for the game, it sounds like a great concept and evidentally they have some bits of it working already.  Looks pretty ambitious, hope they can do it.


It's like Robert Massie wrote a sci fi 4x game...looks awesome. Thanks for posting!

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



Reminds me of Rules of Engagement 2 with Breach 3 bolted on via the IGS system. Looks really good, hope it pans out.

Trying to prove the existence of God with the Bible is the same thing as trying to prove the existence of Orcs using the Lord of the Rings books.


$#@! Yet another Kickstarter to keep an eye on.  Looks pretty good, but I'm getting concerned my rig won't be able to handle some of these games.  This one is due out in Mar 2015?  :-\
Government is not the solution to our problem—government is the problem.   Ronald Reagan
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.   Thomas Jefferson
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.   George Orwell  The truth is quiet...It's the lies that are loud.   Jesus Revolution
If you ever find yourself in need of a safe space then you're probably going to have to stop calling yourself a social justice warrior. You cannot be a warrior and a pansy at the same time   Mike Adams (RIP Mike)


If your into space games, you have to watch how the shields and ship damage work  (2:20 if you want to skip to it)


"A government large enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have."--Thomas Jefferson


Quote from: mikeck on October 21, 2013, 09:09:42 AM
Damn....that's cool


What I'm getting from going over the KS page is that this first round of KS funding is just pre-production. They will have to do this a couple more times to pull a rabbit out of their hat.

What caught my eye that I haven't seen before? The $50 funding level offers you the 3D plans so that you can use a 3D printer to sculpt a ship. Now that's pretty awesome. Might be worth $50 by itself.
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
