Russia to pay for 'patriotic' games, may ban 'falsely negative' ones

Started by Dolan50, October 11, 2013, 07:40:58 AM

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A Corporate Executive,a Democrat and a Republican walk into a room.The CEO walks in first and notices 10 cookies on a plate and pockets 9 of them,then turns to the Republican and whispers in his ear  and says "The Democrat is trying to steal your cookie".


"Like we need an excuse to drink to anything..." - Banzai_Cat
"I like to think of it not as an excuse but more like Pavlovian Response." - Sir Slash

"At our ages, they all look like jailbait." - mirth

"If we had lines here that would have crossed all of them. For the 1,077,986th time." - Gusington

"Government is so expensive that it should at least be entertaining." - airboy

"As long as there's bacon, everything will be all right." - Toonces


Quote from: Martok on October 11, 2013, 10:36:37 AM
"In Soviet Russia, games develop YOU!"

  Yeah, but Russia hasn't been Soviet in over two decades.


"Like we need an excuse to drink to anything..." - Banzai_Cat
"I like to think of it not as an excuse but more like Pavlovian Response." - Sir Slash

"At our ages, they all look like jailbait." - mirth

"If we had lines here that would have crossed all of them. For the 1,077,986th time." - Gusington

"Government is so expensive that it should at least be entertaining." - airboy

"As long as there's bacon, everything will be all right." - Toonces


Really,meet the new state.Same as the old state.
The people of Russia just traded in their old rusty chains for new ones.
A Corporate Executive,a Democrat and a Republican walk into a room.The CEO walks in first and notices 10 cookies on a plate and pockets 9 of them,then turns to the Republican and whispers in his ear  and says "The Democrat is trying to steal your cookie".


Interesting! With studios in Minsk, St. Petersburg, and Kiev, this is news to us. :(

Unfortunately, this has been done before, as numerous countries have specific requirements for games to be distributed there. For example, games distributed in Germany cannot have swastikas or other Nazi symbology. Games distributed in South Korea must have anti-addiction features built-in. Games distributed in the People's Republic of China must not show red blood or any bones/skulls and must be distributed through a Chinese publisher, and they cannot show anything negative about the PRC. Russia is just showing its colors - Soviet red and yellow, it looks like. 


Quote from: ChrisK on October 11, 2013, 11:46:45 AM
Interesting! With studios in Minsk, St. Petersburg, and Kiev, this is news to us. :(

Unfortunately, this has been done before, as numerous countries have specific requirements for games to be distributed there. For example, games distributed in Germany cannot have swastikas or other Nazi symbology. Games distributed in South Korea must have anti-addiction features built-in. Games distributed in the People's Republic of China must not show red blood or any bones/skulls and must be distributed through a Chinese publisher, and they cannot show anything negative about the PRC. Russia is just showing its colors - Soviet red and yellow, it looks like.

so this means we can expect massive buffs to the soviet tank trees?  ;D


Quote from: CptHowdy on October 11, 2013, 11:52:46 AM
Quote from: ChrisK on October 11, 2013, 11:46:45 AM
Interesting! With studios in Minsk, St. Petersburg, and Kiev, this is news to us. :(

Unfortunately, this has been done before, as numerous countries have specific requirements for games to be distributed there. For example, games distributed in Germany cannot have swastikas or other Nazi symbology. Games distributed in South Korea must have anti-addiction features built-in. Games distributed in the People's Republic of China must not show red blood or any bones/skulls and must be distributed through a Chinese publisher, and they cannot show anything negative about the PRC. Russia is just showing its colors - Soviet red and yellow, it looks like.

so this means we can expect massive buffs to the soviet tank trees?  ;D

   Same old tanks.  they are just going to trade in old tanks for old tanks.  BUT with less negativity.  Better vibes like Oddball  says in Kelly's Heros...better vibes.


My take on this. Of all the topics they could pick for a "patriotic" game that's supposed to make Russia look good, why start with WWI?



Quote from: DicedT on October 11, 2013, 12:39:30 PM
My take on this. Of all the topics they could pick for a "patriotic" game that's supposed to make Russia look good, why start with WWI?


   With Forbes saying nasty things about the Russians in WWI (and what on earth does Forbes know about the Russian Air Corps in WWI?),
could the Russians have picked a better topic?  Obviously not.  Even Forbes was going to give them credit for Borodino and Stalingrad (but not say Tikhvin or or the Destruction of Army Group Center -- not events in the Forbesian Universe one supposes) so why expend effort where even Forbes thinks you are most wonderful?  The Russian Air Corps in WWI is wide open for any interpretation at all, so why not go there and generate some positive vibes?  Having Forbes poo-poo the idea seems like a plus already.


WWI, because it was the beginning of the glorious Soviet empire? Maybe the player will get to heroically FPS-massacre the Tsar and his teenage daughters in some dank basement in central Russia.

Perhaps they can simulate forced collectivization and the subsequent deaths of 20 million people?

Sarcasm aside, if they make a game with Putin piloting WWI biplanes with lasers, I'd buy it four times.

Maybe they can redo Homefront and actually make the enemy a country that can invade the U.S. this time. Or remake Red Dawn with the Chinese...oh, wait, oops. Can't piss off the Chinese; better change that to the North Koreans. Oops, no, can't offend the Koreans, better change it to the Philippines. Well, okay, only Cebu Island. Because they totally could take over the world. Just look at that kid that's fronting for Journey now...anything is possible!


If the Russian Govt. is involved in the project I'm sure it will be a half assed piece of crap and not sell very well either in Russia or anywhere else.
Except maybe China,but then they would probably pirate it and the Russian developer won't make a dime there either.
A Corporate Executive,a Democrat and a Republican walk into a room.The CEO walks in first and notices 10 cookies on a plate and pockets 9 of them,then turns to the Republican and whispers in his ear  and says "The Democrat is trying to steal your cookie".


I'm flattered that someone thinks Putin listens to Forbes (though I'm sure the oligarchs do - good advice to be found on where to park those billions). I'll take a wild guess and say that more people in the world have heard of Stalingrad than Tikhvin.

My point was that if you're trying to evoke the glorious Russian military past, World War I is a strange choice. Just as if you were trying to stimulate patriotic feeling in America, you would more likely choose WWII than the Korean War. The Napoleonic era would seem to be a better choice, though there isn't any aerial combat there (and doing a post-WWI air combat game means entering the Communist era).

However, the Russian government is aiming these official games at a domestic audience, so perhaps it has a better sense of what will stimulate the populace. Not like governments ever get these things wrong.



Quote from: DicedT on October 11, 2013, 01:13:15 PM
My point was that if you're trying to evoke the glorious Russian military past, World War I is a strange choice.

  I thought the aim was to reduce the negative vibes.  Why reduce the negative vibes at a point where you already have ill-informed postive
vibes with no effort?  If WWI was such an inglorious moment, it would seem to be just the point to inject some positive glory.