Battlefield 4 Stinks

Started by bboyer66, November 13, 2013, 02:40:03 PM

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Views differ on this. And a SP oriënted player has indeed nothing of value in those expansions. For MP they did offer quite a variety of new stuff IMHO.

I am of opinion that the BF franchise is a MP gamers game and not a SP one. Their first games didnt even have a SP component, other than bots to train for MP.
It was with BF Bad Company (and the game going to consoles) that a SP story campaign was first introduced.
The story in the Bad Company games was pretty good and arguably worth the price for SP only.
But we should not forget that the BC line was a spin-off of the franchise and not true BF games in the tradition of what had come before.

BF 2 didnt have a campaign.
BF 3 continued the core concept (hence the naming) but added a campaign which was now expected more or less due to the console versions before being a hit.
But that campaign was pretty weak too, as is the story telling capability of the one in 4. Mind you, I find the scenes seperately very cool and fun to play.

Still core BF is a MP franchise, not a singleplayer one. I find 50 bucks for an 8 hour campaign way too much money if you are not into the MP side of BF.

But like I said ; views differ and thats fine. More money for DICE and changes for a great BF5. :)
"Pilots do not get paid for what they do daily, but they get paid for what they are capable of doing.
However, if pilots would need to do daily what they are capable of doing, nobody would dare to fly anymore."


Quote from: Yskonyn on November 17, 2013, 06:09:12 PM
Views differ on this. And a SP oriënted player has indeed nothing of value in those expansions. For MP they did offer quite a variety of new stuff IMHO.

Really?  Quite a variety? 

I recall picking up an 'Expansion' for BF3 and it approximately two additional maps and about the same amount of new weapon unlocks.  My impression registered right around, "preposterous!" since it cost thirty bucks.  Didn't feel like I got much at all, especially since it could be difficult finding populated servers using the add-on maps.


Quote from: Yskonyn on November 17, 2013, 06:09:12 PM
...But that campaign was pretty weak too...
Couldn't disagree more. The single player game and story in BF3 was the dogs nuts (why is that phrase used to describe a good thing?)! Simply superb and for me came close to rivalling the single best single player story ever created in a computer game - Call of Duty:Modern Warfare.

Nuff said.

Oh - and I never picked up any of the DLC for BF3 simple because they were mostly (only?) MP content.
Alba gu' brath


Quote from: Nefaro on November 17, 2013, 08:03:46 PM
Quote from: Yskonyn on November 17, 2013, 06:09:12 PM
Views differ on this. And a SP oriënted player has indeed nothing of value in those expansions. For MP they did offer quite a variety of new stuff IMHO.

Really?  Quite a variety? 

I recall picking up an 'Expansion' for BF3 and it approximately two additional maps and about the same amount of new weapon unlocks.  My impression registered right around, "preposterous!" since it cost thirty bucks.  Didn't feel like I got much at all, especially since it could be difficult finding populated servers using the add-on maps.

Yes quite the variety. :) I am not going to list all the things the expansions brought, we can see that on the website .

30 bucks?! What on earth are you talking about? That was not the price of each expansion at all! If you looked around for deals that was the price of the Premium pack, which got you all the expansions (even the ones still having to be released at that time).
There were 5 expansions for the game and if you bought Premium for full price this netted you one expansion for free.
For the 10 to 12 euro's each expansion cost, I find we got more than our money worth. New maps, weapons, vehicles and game modes even, spread over 5 expansions resulting in a whopping 28 or so maps in the end.

I have played BF3 right until release of 4 and never had any trouble whatsoever to find fully crewed servers. Ever.

I also found the MW campaign one of the best and immersive I have ever played in a shooter. Certainly agreed, but BF3's campaign was just ok. I did not find it nearly as good as the first MW.

But again, opinions vary aparently. That's ok.
"Pilots do not get paid for what they do daily, but they get paid for what they are capable of doing.
However, if pilots would need to do daily what they are capable of doing, nobody would dare to fly anymore."