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SSG Korsun Pocket

Started by spelk, January 23, 2014, 06:20:18 AM

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Since the Winter of Wargaming episode of Three Moves Ahead has ignited the SSG flame of enthusiasm under me, I have been seriously hammering away at Korsun Pocket. I've never been able to click with SSG's games, no matter how many times I've tried - but this time, I'm determined to root out the love for the game, and its very specific boardgame mechanics.

I've been running the Wiking Whitewash scenario over and over again, trying to cement how to play effectively, and I've been getting beasted. Just when I think I've got it, I land in a situation where the AI (even on the newbie Computer- setting) hammers home with the SS Leibstandarte and SS Wiking division.

I've sort of gleaned that Cities are Victory Point locations, but are not the be all and end all of the win. They are to be taken and protected, but are not the sole objective on the map. You need to destroy units as well. Cities afford you a small boost in VP's and Alert Points (funding your re-inforcements) but even holding all 4 key cities on the map defensively, will only net you a draw if the Panzers roll over you in the process.

So I try to be offensively defensive, and wallop, I get chopped up like fried liver.

I realise the key to slaughter is the Overrun, stacking the odds so that you can hit again and again - but I never seem to have enough units to organise a relentless barrage of Overruns, however the Axis forces handle this under the AI's command very easily.

I get the supply system, I get the terrain modifiers, artillery seems to be very passive - in that you have to place it, and then use it in the combat calculations where you can (but not in Overruns).

I guess my issue is that I usually "feel" my way through these sort of Operational games, and with such stringent boardgame mechanics, you can't really use the "feel" method. You have to know all the calculations behind it. I'm struggling to connect my head to the mechanics and be able to mount any sort of successful offensive.

So any advice, from SSG guru's would be most appreciated!

ComradeP help me! :)


GAH! My eyes!  :P  ;D

Never could get past the graphics for this series of games.... just to garish for me...

Lots of others, however, get lots of good gaming fun out of them... good luck on your quest Spelk.  8)


Oddly enough, I always liked the graphics for these.  Especially the map and the unit badges on the counters.  When I played it on a CRT monitor anyway.  Nowadays if I ran it on a higher resolution flat panel, the bits would probably look so tiny that they'd kinda blend together.  :o

I only recall playing Korsun Pocket two or three times, years ago, and usually ending up in the vicinity of a draw. 

Like you, my biggest problem was heaping up enough units to push the big odds you need to blast through and still be able to follow up with a strong exploitation move into the hole.  (I know what you're thinking, pervs!)

Pretty sure I only played from the Soviet side so the overcrowding of lower ranked units was probably my issue.  The AI always seemed to be able to pull his whole line back numerous hexes as soon as I made a hole anywhere, as if they weren't being engaged at all.  That made it even more difficult to carry through.  He'd pull back and just reform again in no time.  Bedeviled!

I liked the game system overall.  I just couldn't quite get a handle on that last bit well enough.  Probably a fault of my own mixed with a capable AI.


I have Battles in Italy but haven't spent much time with it. I want to grab Disaster on the Donets, Across the Dnepr 2,  and of course, Korsun Pocket particularly after listening to the podcast you linked to Spelk. Because I need more games, yes I do...
"This damned Bonaparte is going to get us all killed" - Jean Lannes, 1809

Castellan -  La Fraternite des Boutons Carres


Check the SSG website, I believe they have some articles about how to play Korsun Pocket effectively.