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Started by TheCommandTent, April 02, 2012, 09:37:15 PM

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Sir Slash

Note to self: Don't read this thread just before going to bed.
"Take a look at that". Sgt. Wilkerson-- CMBN. His last words after spotting a German tank on the other side of a hedgerow.

Hot lead and dirty talk!

Jesus saves! But Gretzky scores on the rebound!


Quote from: Sir Slash on December 29, 2017, 10:52:59 PM
Note to self: Don't read this thread just before going to bed.

Yikes!  Mirage 2000C DCS:


Quote from: Hot lead and dirty talk! on December 30, 2017, 08:42:15 PM
Budd, is that a Whip Trap?

Don't know if its called a whip trap but the once tripped the wall of spikes swings up from the ground. i haven't been able to see it trip, any of my traps actually, i have a couple over at my other base that they trip and big log falls on them. i just clean up afterwards ;D

i acquired my deer skins for cold protection and went into the mountains, nothing special there. The cannibal natives seem to be getting more aggressive, i got jumped by a group of 7 last exploring trip. i ran my ass off. It's kind of a trip skulking through the shadows of the forest being sneaky and all when suddenly there is a loud piercing scream right next to you, you turn and there is a cannibal you didn't notice and now the scream is bringing more your way.

Since the mountains were a bust i'm going to gear up :knuppel2: and head back into the caves...gulp :hide:

The game's got a lot going for it and its still EA. i was going to restart but i've decide to stick with this run. Day 34 no deaths so far, been real close a few times but managed to run fast enough to save my life. As long as your health is good and you use your stamina wisely you can get away, i've had some harrowing chases and jumped off a few small cliffs to get away, anything just to get to the water where the cannibals won't go to deep. If your health isn't good you ain't getting away, just ran into a new cannibal who was faster than shit. Ever see a scene from a movie where someone is being chased and there tearing ass through the jungle or forest in a beeline to a proverbially safe place, kind of what it feels like.

The game is pretty easy to build and craft, they provide a survival guide that you can reference so its not real frustrating and resource gathering isn't to grindy.
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.  ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Taken ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
I don't buy all the wargames I want, I just buy more than I need.



Budd - that was a really interesting mini-AAR.

MengJiao - loved the shots of the protected cruiser.

Sir Slash

Warhammer Total War 1. My Dwarves face their first trolls in combat and.... rout them!  They snuck in behind my other forces and scared the crap out of me when I saw them coming but my Dwarven Hammerers sent them running for their Troll-Mommas real quick. The Battle AI is pretty sneaky in this game, ambushing and charging in only to change targets at the last second. I think if I was in an evenly matched fight, I probably would have been beaten several times.
"Take a look at that". Sgt. Wilkerson-- CMBN. His last words after spotting a German tank on the other side of a hedgerow.


Quote from: airboy on January 04, 2018, 08:47:34 AM
Budd - that was a really interesting mini-AAR.

MengJiao - loved the shots of the protected cruiser.

Thanks!  I might get more soon!


Quote from: Sir Slash on January 04, 2018, 11:48:09 AM
Warhammer Total War 1. My Dwarves face their first trolls in combat and.... rout them!  They snuck in behind my other forces and scared the crap out of me when I saw them coming but my Dwarven Hammerers sent them running for their Troll-Mommas real quick. The Battle AI is pretty sneaky in this game, ambushing and charging in only to change targets at the last second. I think if I was in an evenly matched fight, I probably would have been beaten several times.
Nice.  O0 

"Like we need an excuse to drink to anything..." - Banzai_Cat
"I like to think of it not as an excuse but more like Pavlovian Response." - Sir Slash

"At our ages, they all look like jailbait." - mirth

"If we had lines here that would have crossed all of them. For the 1,077,986th time." - Gusington

"Government is so expensive that it should at least be entertaining." - airboy

"As long as there's bacon, everything will be all right." - Toonces


The Forest

We last left our hero[that's me \m/] surviving among the heathen cannibals of some unnamed island. He had explored the mountains without benefit and was planning to construct a more permanent living structure and venture back into the caverns of the heathens.

Days of survival: 44

Heading back to my main base from the base near the mountains, got off the my raft to explore a bit. Got set upon by a couple of small but very fast cannibals. I gave one of them a taste of my club, and what do you know they climb trees. they can also jump from that height which was a bit of a surprise.

I back away from the fast cannibal freaks and continue exploring the area. Found another entrance to the caverns. I build a marker so i can find it later.

I do a little hunting then jump back on the raft to head back to my main base. These are the structures i see on the beach, not sure what they are and i've never seen them occupied but the more freaky looking mutants wander by them. It will merit a closer look in the future, probably at night.

i get to work making a better living quarters. They haven't attacked my base in a few days. Takes me about 2 game days to get the structure up. Got my blueberry garden going, blueberries satisfy your hunger and thirst and i usually travel with a bag of them. I made some stairs to the top of the rocks, got my meat drying racks and water catcher up and running.

You can see my old base off to the right. My raft is down on the shore, i plan to make a zip line to get quickly to the raft.

The inside. Nothing fancy, a bed, fireplace, and skull lamp.

Food starts to run low, so i go out for a hunt. I pretty well have the good hunting and fishing spots picked out. These mutant freaks wander by, i heard them long before i saw them, they make an ungodly sound.....heathens :knuppel2:

I let the freaks pass and try to follow along to see where they go. I get jumped and i'm not able to get away this time. Think i got knocked out or something,next thing i know.

I end up here :'(

Luckily there was an Ax within my reach, so i cut myself soup for you mutant freaks. Now to get out of here.

i guess there's a silver lining to every cloud, found this supply cache while looking for a way out. Good stuff, dynamite, flares, i'll be coming back here again.

Hmmmm....a clue maybe

I get jumped twice in the dark but managed to make it back to the surface. The flares saved me, the torch isn't much of a weapon, drop a flare and go to work with the club. Plan is to gear up and come back and explore the caverns more and kick some mutant butt.
To be continued..............................
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.  ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Taken ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
I don't buy all the wargames I want, I just buy more than I need.


Quote from: MengJiao on January 04, 2018, 05:09:55 PM
Quote from: airboy on January 04, 2018, 08:47:34 AM
Budd - that was a really interesting mini-AAR.

MengJiao - loved the shots of the protected cruiser.

Thanks!  I might get more soon! more protected cruisers, but here is a light cruiser from 1936:


Budd...awesome  job on your screenshot AAR...keep posting updates!


The Forest

Hours in game:31
Days survived: 46

After escaping from being on the cannibals dinner menu i decide to explore more of the island. Since i found the map as i uncover locations they will be on my map.

Current Map. The big black circle is the pit.The dotted terrain i'm currently standing on[the orange pin] is all beach terrain. I'm halfway between my bases at the yacht, which is a safe overnight sleeping/saving location. You can see the cannibal villages and structures i've found so far, the black circles with the small arrows are entrances to the underground.

Came across this entrance while exploring.......what the hell, i'm pretty geared up....lets go have a look.

As soon as i hit the ground and light my torch i have company. I whack him with the torch which prompting goes out and i switch to my club.

The torch not being much of a weapon and fighting with a lighter in one hand and a club in the other....well that just won't do. I toss a couple of flares, looks like there's two cannibal scum. These are the small, fast, variety. You can see the burnt one on the right. We engage in a kind of stare off for a minute or two, nobody making a move. Decision time, hit the rope and climb back up or kill the scum before the flares burn out. The silver dotted lines on my health meter is my current lizard armor, you don't last long without the lizard armor.

I decide to stay and do battle. One cannibal charges me, i switch to my flare gun and light him up. I finish him off with my club while hes on fire.

i don't see the other cannibal, but i can hear him..... then the flares burn out. The dark is overwhelming, i quickly light my torch when the other cannibal attacks, i swing my torch and light him up, again i finish him off with the club. Not bad, only lost a little armor.

i pull out my map to take a look.

i fire up my torch and take a look around. One of the goals of the game is to locate other passengers....think i found some.

I find another rope to descend farther down into hell. I immediately hears sounds and the attack starts. You can only climb down the rope with the lighter which doesn't give off much light. i'm swinging wildly in the dark with my club as the attacks come out of the darkness. The small, fast ones run in whack you then back off...rinse and repeat. I finally manage to drop a flare, you can see my armor is about gone. it was a hectic few minutes. What the screenshot doesn't show is that there were a total of three cannibals down here and i was too busy to get a screen grab. This is right before the battle continued, the other two are behind me.

It was quite a battle, finished off the last one after the flare had burned out. Connected on a wild swing and once he went down i finished him off, it was fighting in pitch black. all my armor is gone and i had to take meds as my health was down to 50%. i explore and find another rope to descend even further. Not to sure about this as my armor is gone, but i haven't found anything good yet just the usual stuff.

i descend and not far down the path i score on a couple of items that make the whole trip worthwhile. A FLASHLIGHT....O Yea....and a REBREATHER. I found O2 tanks earlier so i figured there would be something to use to go underwater.

So its time to beat feet out of there with my new treasures. The flashlight is invaluable. No attacks on the way out.

i leave and take the raft back to home base. i need to go hunting, mainly for lizards for armor but i could use the food also.

Busy couple of days, time to retire for the night. All stocked up with food, water, and got most of my armor back. The hunting was good. Hit an empty cannibal camp for other items also.
This is the crafting screen. you can see i'm well stocked up on stuff. Deciding about a plan for the upcoming days. I'm thinking gearing up and hitting a cannibal camp at night for some payback and to try out the flame arrows. I also have plans to try out that rebreather, see if there is anything to explore underwater.

This is the survival guide you start the game with, its not all inclusive but it sure is enough to get you started.

I did die twice due to game bugs. lost two days worth on one death. Seems like sometimes when you climb a rope you keep going up until you hit the top of the world......and whats goes up...well you know the rest. The game is in really solid shape for an EA game.

to be continued.
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.  ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Taken ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
I don't buy all the wargames I want, I just buy more than I need.


Budd, is there a finite amount of game to hunt and cannibals, or are they spawned from time to time?
The fact that these people drew inspiration...and then became chicken farmers - Cyrano, Dragon' Up The Past #45


A lot seems to respawn currently, including some items. Some crates I've cracked open have respawned. As far as animals go they respawn but I'm not sure of the timing of the respawn. Sometimes the hunting is plentiful other times it's hard to find game and of the animals I've seen so far, deer seem to be the most limited. According to the survival guide there are still a few animals, plants, cannibals I haven't met yet. The guide lists the plants and animals, but the cannibals only appear in the guide when you meet them, and judging by the space in the guide there's room for quite a few more. One thing about the respawning, stuff respawns when you leave the game and restart, haven't noticed items respawning while I'm in game.

Food and water isn't an issue really, with all the game, berries, fish, and ponds to get water you won't be hurting in those departments. Certain areas are better for hunting and you have to know where the fishing ponds are because all the ponds dont have fish.

I appreciate the game isn't too grindy in the resource department, there are enough survival games that grinding resources is a daily thing until you reach a certain point. It must be tough to balance. I would like the difficulty upped, maybe some dangerous animals. The guide says there's bears and sharks but I haven't seen any yet. The only animal that has attacked looks to be a wild boar.

I'm still thinking of restarting on the highest difficulty setting and starting a screenshot diary AAR from the beginning of the game in the AAR section. I guess I could just keep one of my saves from this run, you get 6 save slots.
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.  ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Be Yourself; Everyone Else is Taken ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
I don't buy all the wargames I want, I just buy more than I need.