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Rome II

Started by JudgeDredd, June 10, 2013, 04:28:27 PM

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Well even in vanilla I've never been that guy screaming about the shoddiness of TW AI, so when it gets ramped up it usually makes me scream uncle.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.


Sir Slash

Gus's predicament has got me thinking. Who's the toughest single opponent you've faced in Rome 2? For me, as the Suebi, it was one of the other German factions I can't remember. The Averni weren't that tough-just lots of them. As the Seleucids, it was Pergamon and the other Greek-like factions to the north. The Persians and Egypt wasn't very tough. As Rome, it was probably Macedon. In one battle it took my 2 armies to defeat their one and only by having enough troops to turn their flank. The Hoplites are very hard to break which didn't surprise me but what did surprise me was the Triballi faction, a Celtic faction north of Macedon. I had one of their armies bearing down on my city-Epidamnos. So I moved a full 20 unit army in there and with the garrison forces thought I had it covered. The Triballi "Celtic Swordsmen" and "Celtic Warriors" carved a path right through my Hastadi and Auxillary Spearmen without problem. I later defeated them with another army but only after softening them up first with 2 Agents that damaged them and reduced their morale. These guys are as tough as Chinese Trigonometry. ;D
"Take a look at that". Sgt. Wilkerson-- CMBN. His last words after spotting a German tank on the other side of a hedgerow.


Quote from: Sir Slash on January 23, 2014, 11:09:23 AM
Gus's predicament has got me thinking. Who's the toughest single opponent you've faced in Rome 2? For me, as the Suebi, it was one of the other German factions I can't remember. The Averni weren't that tough-just lots of them. As the Seleucids, it was Pergamon and the other Greek-like factions to the north. The Persians and Egypt wasn't very tough. As Rome, it was probably Macedon. In one battle it took my 2 armies to defeat their one and only by having enough troops to turn their flank. The Hoplites are very hard to break which didn't surprise me but what did surprise me was the Triballi faction, a Celtic faction north of Macedon. I had one of their armies bearing down on my city-Epidamnos. So I moved a full 20 unit army in there and with the garrison forces thought I had it covered. The Triballi "Celtic Swordsmen" and "Celtic Warriors" carved a path right through my Hastadi and Auxillary Spearmen without problem. I later defeated them with another army but only after softening them up first with 2 Agents that damaged them and reduced their morale. These guys are as tough as Chinese Trigonometry. ;D

As Pontus and Egypt early on, I had a lot of trouble with the Selucids.   Later, as Carthage, I found the Turdies under Turdus to be a nasty bunch.  In the Celtic realm as the Iceni or the Nervii, I found everybody to be pretty tough.  Lately, as Rome, again, its the Celts that have been very troublesome.


I am very happy to see I am not alone. The Caledones are probably the toughest opponent I've faced in a TW title besides some of the Fall of the Samurai clans. Hoping to finally tear the Caledones asunder tonight.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.


Sir Slash

Somebody needs to do it Gus. I can't stand them and their moustaches and funny blue pants.
"Take a look at that". Sgt. Wilkerson-- CMBN. His last words after spotting a German tank on the other side of a hedgerow.


You are so very right. But of course being a brother tribe, it means that the Iceni and Caledones have the same mustaches and fashion sense. Which is why I should not have attacked them to begin with...I should have made nice. But it's all haggis under the bridge now and they must all die.

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



The Greeks always give me a hell of a time. It's the whole phalanx thing. Kind of ruins my "slam the cohort into the enemy" strategy
"A government large enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have."--Thomas Jefferson


I wanted to play a Greek faction next but I may now reconsider!

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



Quote from: mikeck on January 23, 2014, 03:50:21 PM
The Greeks always give me a hell of a time. It's the whole phalanx thing. Kind of ruins my "slam the cohort into the enemy" strategy
Indeed.  Macedon is proving to be a bitch for my Athenians. 

"Like we need an excuse to drink to anything..." - Banzai_Cat
"I like to think of it not as an excuse but more like Pavlovian Response." - Sir Slash

"At our ages, they all look like jailbait." - mirth

"If we had lines here that would have crossed all of them. For the 1,077,986th time." - Gusington

"Government is so expensive that it should at least be entertaining." - airboy

"As long as there's bacon, everything will be all right." - Toonces


take that bitches

слава Україна!

We can't live under the threat of a c*nt because he's threatening nuclear Armageddon.



Big new beta patch that will absolutely break any mod:

Seems like a great patch and I may even play vanilla for awile . I'm getting tired of constantly having to start new games with mod updates
"A government large enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have."--Thomas Jefferson

Sir Slash

Hey congrats Gus. Hope they don't give you too hard a time rule. Have you gotten a general with a chariot bodyguard? The unit card looks like he's in a wheelchair. I have to laugh when I see it. I'll raise a flagon to the end of the Caldonian Bitches.
"Take a look at that". Sgt. Wilkerson-- CMBN. His last words after spotting a German tank on the other side of a hedgerow.


Quote from: mikeck on January 23, 2014, 10:10:14 PM
Big new beta patch that will absolutely break any mod:

Seems like a great patch and I may even play vanilla for awile . I'm getting tired of constantly having to start new games with mod updates

I had to laugh hard at the 'Help I am stuck in these patch notes!' Line!
"Pilots do not get paid for what they do daily, but they get paid for what they are capable of doing.
However, if pilots would need to do daily what they are capable of doing, nobody would dare to fly anymore."


My congratulations to Gus on taking out the Scots Caldones.  Well done!  8) 

Quote from: Yskonyn on January 24, 2014, 01:18:59 AM
Quote from: mikeck on January 23, 2014, 10:10:14 PM
Big new beta patch that will absolutely break any mod:

Seems like a great patch and I may even play vanilla for awile . I'm getting tired of constantly having to start new games with mod updates

I had to laugh hard at the 'Help I am stuck in these patch notes!' Line!
LOL.  Yeah, that was great. 

It does look like a nice beefy patch, though.  The fixes/tweaks listed seem mostly minor, but there's a *lot* of them.  Looking forward (as always) to the AI improvements. 

"Like we need an excuse to drink to anything..." - Banzai_Cat
"I like to think of it not as an excuse but more like Pavlovian Response." - Sir Slash

"At our ages, they all look like jailbait." - mirth

"If we had lines here that would have crossed all of them. For the 1,077,986th time." - Gusington

"Government is so expensive that it should at least be entertaining." - airboy

"As long as there's bacon, everything will be all right." - Toonces


Well done Gus! 

I looked but didn't see if they had a date post for the next patch to be released??
"No wants, no needs, we weren't meant for that, none of us.  Man stagnates if he has no ambition, no desire to be more than he is."